How do I disable the display of the balance in the header? - page 8

Vitaliy Maznev:

If they're such a nuisance, get rid of them! :)

Who says they're in the way?
You said it above, they're making plans.
You know, "buy me a playstation.
"get me a new tablet."
Vladislav Andruschenko:
Who said anything about getting in the way?
You said it above - they're making plans.
You know, "Buy me a Playstation.
"Get me a new tablet."

What's wrong with that? Isn't it happy when grandchildren are watching and can afford to make plans?

Vitaliy Maznev:

What's wrong with that? Isn't it happy when grandchildren are watching and can afford to make plans?

That's all well and good, of course. But when there are plans of their own to save money so that they don't get wasted on trinkets/toys/nickknacks, it's better that the family doesn't impose their own plans on them.

What is planned for the family budget is planned anyway - that money should be part of the family's plans.

And what is planned to be invested in work, in business, in development, in repairs should not concern the family in the context of "spend it, and then the grass will grow - father/uncle/uncle/husband/feeder will earn more"... This is not proper budgeting.

This money should not be in plain sight - it will be dumbly pulled out under one pretext or another.

Also, from recent events: I was saving up to repair one car (engine knocked out) without the family budget suffering in any way. In the second car overturned with his wife - the benefit is not reached the pole, which a month ago the family crashed .... How would I have fixed and put the second car in gear, if I hadn't saved for the repair of the first one? There would simply be no money - all spent on grandchildren/children/nephews/wives/mother-in-laws...

It's funny, they added a wallet here on top, but hid the withdrawal due to problems with ePayments. And now we will admire the money we earned and will not be able to withdraw it here and there, we will just admire the numbers
Aliaksandr Kryvanos:
... And now we will admire the money we earned and will not be able to withdraw it, here and there, we will just admire the numbers

are Visa and Mastercard and PayPal not enough for you?

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

You don't have enough withdrawals on Visa and Mastercard and PayPal?

Fuck them and their interest rates. And PayPal is always threatened by hackers, phishing sites

Aliaksandr Kryvanos:

Fuck them and their interest. ...

Who's "them"? CardPay has a lower withdrawal fee than ePayments for amounts over 100

Actually, you could get mad at them and not withdraw anything at all, that's also a good option.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Who's "them" - for amounts over 100 CardPay has lower fees than ePayments

Actually, you could get mad at everybody and withdraw nothing at all - also a good option.

Is there any withdrawal CardPay? May be, I don't know. I haven't used it and they say different things. All right. Let's not do it :) It's just funny, like I said.

Aliaksandr Kryvanos:

Is there a CardPay withdrawal here? Maybe there was, I don't know. Haven't used it, and it's written all sorts of things. I don't know if there's a CardPay withdrawal. Let's not :) It's just funny, like I said.

You mean Visa Mastercard withdrawals.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:
and by the way, there is a mistake in the displayed figure -- it should be rounded down to a hundredth -- for example, my balance is .005 and it displays .01 -- it should display .00 (i.e. it displays the amount that is available for use -- and now it displays an amount that does not exist)

That seems to be what they've done now.