The Sultonov system indicator - page 86

Сергей Таболин:

You assign C0 to the current bar, and you assign C8 to the oldest bar in the sample, for a total of 9 bars of history, including the current bar. For me and Sergei, it is exactly the opposite - the current bar is assigned with C9, and the oldest bar is assigned with C1, also 9 bars of history, including the current bar. As they say, the same eggs but from a different angle. Both variants are equal and have no difference in calculating SLAU coefficients. I did not use C0 for the reason that in the equations there is a0 coefficient, which is completely irrelevant to C0. To avoid confusion, I abandoned the notation of C0.

Олег avtomat:

Don't be silly...

The Laplace transform does exactly that - it moves from the time domain to the frequency domain.

The inverse Laplace transform transform transforms from the frequency domain to the time domain.

Don't be ridiculous, at least read wikipedia.

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Well, if a la regression, why do we need Yusuf? We don't need a blacksmith. Regression is a standard tool, and how to prepare it and how to use it is no secret.

:-) Absolutely right -

"We don't need a blacksmith."


So, does this methodology make any sense for profitable trading?

answer that for yourself.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Don't be ridiculous, at least read wikipedia.

Stop embarrassing yourself by demonstrating your illiteracy for the umpteenth time.

Here's one from your favorite wikipedia:


For a deeper understanding, consult the literature -- "Operational Calculus".


This is all very funny and it is obvious that many participants in this thread do not know how to trade hands and do not understand the nature of price movements.

I advise you to read carefully and many times what you have written about here:

Олег avtomat:

Stop embarrassing yourself by demonstrating your illiteracy for the umpteenth time.

Here's one from your favourite wikipedia:


And for an in-depth understanding, check out the literature -- "Operational Calculus".

Can't even read wikipedia anymore? You see the letter t and think it's time?

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

All those who think that they can do forex with formulas are sorely mistaken.

You don't have to be a mathematician to prove it.

Since everyone understands football, here's an example.

If you watch a football game from the top and record the points and times on the centre line when the football player receives the ball and also the movement of the football player with the ball and build a graph, it will look like a forex chart.

Now tell me: when the football player has the ball, who can guess what he will do. Even the football player doesn't know this and any moment he can change his action: either move himself or pass the ball, forwards or backwards.

He will change his decision all the time. And it depends on the current situation. Not counting that he will often make a wrong decision or make a wrong pass. And before that, it does not matter.

So does the price move, because its movement depends on the human factor.

And it is not predictable, it depends on market conditions and nobody can guess which bank or multibillionaire will intervene or what news will be released.

What does that have to do with mathematics?

Have you ever seen the ball in person?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Can't even read wikipedia anymore? You see the letter t and think it's time?

Oh, man... Are you stupid? You don't know the subject at all, but you pretend to be an "expert". That's ridiculous...

Open a book, read it and try to understand.

Олег avtomat:

Oh, man... are you stupid? You don't know the subject at all, but you pretend to be an "expert". That's ridiculous...

Open a book, read it and try to understand.

You read it and try to understand. But I don't think you will... so stubborn.

That's just a memory:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Sultonov's System Indicator

Oleg avtomat, 2019.04.04 13:41

Don't be silly...

The Laplace transform does just that, it makes a transition from the time domain to the frequency domain.

The inverse Laplace transform does the transition from the frequency domain to the time domain.

These Laplace transforms are, well, such magically fabulous things, what kind of nonsense they talk about on the Internet...