From theory to practice - page 257


By the way, if you take p = 0.7410293952884985 for a discrete logarithmic distribution, things will be somehow closer on the logarithmic scale too.

Oh, I think I get it. There are two distributions, according to Alexander. Somewhere over there on the 15th point is where the second distribution peeks out from under the first.

I also read wikipedia and thought :)

Discrete logarithmic distribution takes natural numbers 1,2,3,...
And exponential - rational numbers >= 0 ; I.e. you can subtract 1 from that pocket, and multiply by something to get into the exponential curve.

In cell E2:

=0.0797907655396566 * EXP(1) ^ (-1 * 0.0797907655396566 * ((A2-1)*4.09029816010267))

The log scale is a straight line. Beautiful. Probably useless, but let it be.

Dr. Trader:

Also read wikipedia and thought :)

Discrete logarithmic distribution takes as input natural numbers 1,2,3,...
And exponential - rational numbers >= 0 ; i.e. you can subtract 1 from that pocket, and multiply by something to get into the exponential curve.

In cell E2:

The log scale is a straight line. It's beautiful. Probably useless, but let it be.

Dr. Trader! Thank you very much, what a good job!


Perhaps it also has a direct bearing on the fact that there are two distributions sitting in the incremental velocities.

От теории к практике
От теории к практике
  • 2018.03.06
Добрый вечер, уважаемые трейдеры! Решил было на какое-то время покинуть форум, и сразу как-то скучно стало:)))) А просто читать, увы - неинтересно...
От теории к практике
От теории к практике
  • 2018.03.06
Добрый вечер, уважаемые трейдеры! Решил было на какое-то время покинуть форум, и сразу как-то скучно стало:)))) А просто читать, увы - неинтересно...

My God, what is this?

Gentlemen, look at the bizarre distribution of trading intensity with an exponential reading time in the sliding exponential window = 10.000 (approximately 4.5 hours)

This was nowhere near to being the case when the quotes were read evenly.

I have no idea what it is - let it remain a mystery.

А! It's probably the Grail's ears to pull. Let me see if I can...
And, to avoid searching through the whole branch - a library recommended reading.
Dr. Trader:

Also read wikipedia and thought :)

Thediscrete logarithmic distribution accepts natural numbers 1,2,3,...
And exponential - rational numbers >= 0 ; I.e. you can subtract 1 from that pocket, and multiply by something to get into the exponential curve.

In cell E2:

The log scale is a straight line. It's beautiful. Probably useless, but let it be.

Read, read... I know Doc's a genius, he doesn't write anything for nothing. Then I reread it again.

I.e., knowing that we have p=0.7 and using discrete LF generators we should not set exponential time intervals like I now TimeInterval = INT(- Ln(U))+1, where U is uniform CB from the range [0;1], but exactly TimeInterval = INT(- Ln(degree(0.3;U)) +1?

It seems that, in this particular case, we'll be destroying the "memory" almost completely... If so, Doc gets a Nobel Prize!!!!!!!!!!!!
Генераторы дискретно распределенных случайных величин
Генераторы дискретно распределенных случайных величин
  • 2016.01.16
Данная статья является продолжением поста Генераторы непрерывно распределенных случайных величин. В этой главе учитывается, что все теоремы из предыдущей статьи уже доказаны и генераторы, указанные в ней, уже реализованы. Как и ранее, у нас имеется некий базовый генератор натуральных чисел от 0 до RAND_MAX: С дискретными величинами все...