From theory to practice - page 1974

Evgeniy Chumakov:

The other day, Nova came to visit. We reminisced, laughed... Yeah, it was fun.

And the Grail... Yeah, I agree. You have to believe in it. I believe.


The other day, Nova came to visit. We reminisced, laughed... Yeah, it was fun.

Julka Novak? Another one of your alter egos?

You'd better come up with some ideas together with Crawler, and finally count the ACF SB.) It's much more useful than gauges for tin cans.)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Julka Novak? Another one of your alter egos?

You'd better think for three with Crawler, and finally count the ACF SB) Anyhow more useful than gauges for tsvetmet)

You're always writing nonsense, Alyosha.

Crawlspur, Gobbler, AKF SB - what's that??? Or - who is it??? It's a real bummer to read such an opus.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Julka Novak? Another one of your alter egos?

You'd better think together with Crawler and calculate the ACF SB.) It's much more useful than gauges for tin cans.)

Profiting fromgauges?


Probably much more profitable than the forfeit.)


Some nonsense, as always, you write, Alyosha.

Crawlspur, Chewie, ACF SB - what is it??? Or who is it??? Such an opus can make you nuts.

Yes calm down, you, no one cares about these brass springs from gauges) Who doesn't happen, it was a hard year - leap year)

Happy New Year to you, your father-in-law, daughter and son-in-law and his wife with diffusion!

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Calm down, no one cares about these brass springs from the gauges) Who can not, it was a hard year - leap year)

Happy New Year to you, your father-in-law, your daughter and son-in-law and your wife with diffusion!

And Schrodinger's cat.


Renat Akhtyamov:

and Schrodinger's cat.



It's good to be reminded.


Aleksey Nikolayev:

Calm down, no one cares about these brass springs from the gauges) Who can not, it was a hard year - leap year)

Happy New Year to you, your father-in-law, daughter and son-in-law and wife with diffusion!

Thank you!

You too, Alexey! I am actually tired of quarreling with you. I hope that in the New Year we will find common ground on some issues (if any).


I realise, of course, that nobody is going to do anything. We're not really here to work.

But still, I wonder if someone could plot the dependence of the current increment on the previous increment for:

1. For GSCH with Gaussian distribution N(0,1)

2. for price increments OPEN M1

3. for tick increments

4. for increments of seconds bars (S1, S2,....S30)

according to the scheme described here:

Only you don't have to draw lines connecting points in phase space, just points.

I remember that at school we used to check - how evenly the given points fill the square and visually estimated the quality of the invented HSP (the points for the independent MF fill the square absolutely evenly).

Sampling for the price increments is a month.

Currency pair - any.

No one will do it - no problem. My Shadow will do the analysis within a month.

And I want to see the dependencies right now.

Интерактивный анализ данных. Фазовый портрет
  • 2014.01.15
Привет. Встав сегодня утром с кровати, я думал о том, как написать статью на Хабр о фазовых портретах, и первым делом стоило посмотреть писал ли кто об этом чудесном методе. Как оказалось нет. ОСТОРОЖНО, под катом трафик. Для лучшего усваивания материала предлагаю включить Bob Acri – Guess Who. Ну, пожалуй, начнем. Фазовое пространство в...
Sasha, don't mind my familiarity. It has to be. You have good ideas and you have perspective. You have to work hard. Nothing just comes easy. I see a vision in you. Don't let it get to you.