Please help write EAs for free. 5 different ideas. - page 6


Yeah, I came up with the law of gravitation once and it turns out it was stolen from me three hundred years ago... How can you create in such an environment?!!!


And the main thing is that they stole it... But they didn't "put it back"... Indeed... how to work without gravitation...??

I don't think the plunge will happen ;))

The dive happened. It has surfaced. Sane. In the ocean. Closer to shore. Swim to the right branch. To the right branch. You can go on and on and on and on. Good luck with your flubbing!


Lucky man, he understands.... I also understand when they ask for bread, for an operation, or even for a beer or vodka in the morning. But when people are asked to make a free tool for working in the financial markets! What kind of charity can we talk about here?

"What's difficult for you?", "What's long for you?", - it may not be difficult or long, but such ideas are no longer interesting at all. You can't actually get a good implementation for free, even if it's done by a good professional; no motivation, no diligence. And even a good idea can be ruined by a mediocre implementation. If you don't want to pay, offer something in return, work it off after all... It is not the case to stand with your hand outstretched.

For free? I follow the customary canons in such cases! All yours on the table!!! I mean... to the masses!


Look for topics where authors offer to implement fantasies in code for free. Post in them. It's crap here.

Yes accurate definition. Turned the post into LAW! And it all started off so well!!!! :)

Speaking of lines of code... 50, not 50...

You can expa in one line... :-)

Well. The number of really useless lines in this post, written by coders who could really help, very soon, will go over 50!!! (if it hasn't already).

They're the ones who are jealous of you here. Don't listen. Don't tell anyone the idea. People around here are smart. Someone's probably already encrypted and they're raking in millions... Maybe trillions... You never know.

Yeah, yeah. Maybe not everyone, but they're jealous. Definitely jealous. Already coded. And they're jealous. Millions... And the worst part is, they've already started buying out my flat!
Most importantly, and most frustratingly, the idea was stolen before it was even invented. What a world it is.

Looks like your world is going backwards. It's degenerating backwards. First they steal it, then they invent it.

Yeah, yeah. Maybe not all of them, but they're jealous. They sure are. Already coded. And they're jealous. Millions... And worst of all, they've already started buying out my flat!

Not the best way to buy out a situation is to do something you don't know how to do.

Yeah, I came up with the law of gravitation once and it turns out it was stolen from me three hundred years ago... How can you create in such an environment?!!!


I read somewhere that a man like that came up with the letter in your appendix. Turns out it was stolen from him 1,150 years ago. Brothers of some kind. A brother of the mind, apparently.)

How can you write like that in a setting like this?


Not the best way to buy into the situation is to do what you don't know how to do.

Well, the way of distracting the audience from the main issue by injecting careless flub is a way, too.