[What do you mean by the word grail] Grail. - page 9

If you call yourself Freud, google it.

I'm afraid of getting a hiv brain infection there.
It seems a third smoker is emerging in this thread ))))

She was born here a long time ago and is in pre-retirement age. And you, budding.


She was born here a long time ago and she's in her pre-retirement years. And you, she's budding.

with your smoking, you got half the forum stoned! :)

M.H.D. Warns you smoking is dangerous ............! :)


With your smoking, half the forum is stoned! :)

Ministry of Health warns smoking is dangerous ............! :)

I've been dabbling with the boys for a while, but for some reason it's always me who gets caught up as a bargain.)

(Just kidding!)) strangely enough, the distributors of dope start shabbily long before me, and I just dabble sometimes with the boys of the selected variety))) but as a dealer for some reason all the time narazhivayut exactly me).

you have a cigar in your avatar, so you are under suspicion!

(just kidding)

Where can I read it? The most powerful robot I've seen uses small cluster for calculations and has 5 amateur dan (pro as far as the sky).

Welkom:http: //gogameguru.com/zen-computer-go-program-beats-takemiya-masaki-4-stones/

I also saw an article in Russian, one of them (the player was 9th dan): http://habrahabr.ru/post/140244/


I also saw an article in Russian, one of them (the player was 9th dan): http://habrahabr.ru/post/140244/

Yep, that's the bot I was talking about :) . I was winning it on a 6 stone handicap :)

And he won on a 4 stone handicap. In reality, he's probably as good as I am. But yes, an achievement :)


Yeah, that's the bot I was talking about :) . I was winning it on a 6 stone handicap :)

And he won on a 4 stone handicap. In reality, he's probably as bad as I am. But yes, an achievement :)

Oh, that's cool!

I keep wanting to go to the Go section. I'll alternate with boxing.

And by the way, now they're practicing boxing-chess: boxing fight, then a game of chess. I think it's fun ) When you stop winning at chess, it's time to stop boxing too. )

Sorry about the offtopic.



I keep wanting to go to Go class. I'll alternate with boxing.

And by the way, now they practice boxing-chess: boxing fight, then a game of chess. I think it's fun ) When you stop winning at chess, it's time to stop boxing too. )

Sorry about the off-topic.

Even better is sack boxing. Women's.