Insider dealing schemes. or how to discreetly funnel a lot of dough (and how to detect this hidden infiltration) - page 18


What do you mean?
Is the language unfamiliar? )

you know, i recently started to understand humanly when mr. Preobrazhensky gave me a pituitary gland. but the tendencies of the previous pituitary gland master still leave a mark. so please be more specific.
))) You're making progress.
I'm a bit embarrassed - I am, after all, a language professional. I'm sorry. Write as you like.
Unfamiliar language? )

About tongues.

Alexander of Macedonia once wanted to unite the whole world, a pity it did not work out. How much further mankind would have developed by now.

Distances made it difficult at that time.

Nowadays, there is no reason to divide people into countries and nationalities, and to rub it in with different religions.

Today, there are virtually no purebred people who can be attributed to one group or another based on nationality.

At the end of the day, human nature is the same for everyone, and a person is not made worse off for being born on a different continent, with different religious preferences and a different language. In the future these transformations are inevitable. There will be one "state", a single language (official), etc. But all this is slow, I will not live long enough). Trying to integrate into the process before the restructuring of public consciousness will lead to tragedy (the risk of being swallowed by society). This is very unpleasant to realize. How strong is the society's understanding of values and of some things that are far from true values.

How dependent are many on public opinion and reluctance to be judged by society, where the personal ego simply presses down the spiritual and prevents it from developing. It is a great blessing to be completely free of it. Sometimes you want to go deep into the deep woods and become a hermit, to get away from all these addictions and labels, opinions and other nonsense. But here's the paradox, as soon as we take away this coexistence with society, we start to be incredibly drawn back to it. What is it? Spiritual pull or just an animal instinct of herd survival, dominated by the wonderful Uncle Freud, I don't know.

ps-excuse me. it's my fucking pituitary gland again..... (and once again I'm off the 50g crockery). I implore you - no more vodka for Sharikov.

You still have a lot of work to do, but yes. I enjoyed reading it.
Look, did you get a straight "C" in school or... - is that weird-- a four?
Where's the style from, bro? Brighton? )
internet, bro, internet...

What is essentially a frequency in the market? It can be represented as a division into cycles - price reversals, the price moved in n points in one direction and back - the cycle of the oscillatory process has passed, and so on for all knees.

So the number of ticks per day is approximately the same, does it mean the daily average number of points (way) of a pair is also the same?

So, consequently, the density of market cycles should also have periodicity, because the number of cycles depends on the number of bends.

Renat, here is another interesting point.

By the way, a thought occurred to me (as an aside). take for example a giant and a small pack of bipeds. a giant lures, trying to get the biped to give money to the market, and when the volumes are taken out, how logical would be the giant to act.

1- the giant will take their hard-earned money in sharp "countershots" before they manage to react and take their money back. of course, i am not talking about instant impulses or tent volumes, but the ones that are not quickly pumped in.

2- or what?

I didn't understand anything about "insider"... As for the purpose of the study - take for example the intervention moments of the Japanese and Swiss central banks. there on the ticks you may see a picture of "circles in the water".

what do you mean?

As recently as yesterday, the current SiU2 futures saw this kind of outlier:

It was surprising to see a lot of smeared trades in a wide range. On the minute charts there was a picture like this:

Note the accumulation of pending orders at "round" price levels. At levels of 32,900, 33,000, 33,100 etc. They started to be knocked out at this point and they found themselves making trades. Apparently these circular levels are inundated with bids all the time, but is there any way to exploit this, that's the question? If they are generally limit bids at the best price, then that means that the round levels are support and resistance levels. If the round levels are concentrated stop orders - then they will, on the contrary, push prices in the same direction.

It is not clear what caused such fluctuations, but it is clear that such moments are not rare at RTS. Evil men close to high circles in the Russian stock market are regularly picking pockets of traders using stop orders. When there is very little money, they have to draw left positions and zero out trader's accounts, but that is another topic. How to use such emissions to your advantage - that is a topic for discussion.

P.S. It was interesting to hear the opinion of the average common traders. In their opinion they are terrible robots who do everything. In general, "they" (social traders) are afraid of robots, giving them some kind of magical power and strength. In my opinion, this is pure provocation and manipulation by a small group of people, one way of making money is robbery and "legal" taking of money.
