Insider dealing schemes. or how to discreetly funnel a lot of dough (and how to detect this hidden infiltration) - page 15


In case no one has noticed, I wrote hypothetically. what else is there to rely on in a trade but that.

The only thing worth paying attention to, if you want to see the market in its entirety and without any caveats. but it's not so easy to take advantage of. but I'll explain this in another thread.

Tough case...
Tough case...

I'd say it's not even curable. You can have a memorial service for trying to cure it.

I'd say it's not even curable. You can have a memorial service for trying to cure it.
What am I supposed to do, drink nonstop? We'll just have to...
What am I supposed to do, drink non-stop? We'll just have to do it ourselves...

you've been doing it without me, so it's not the point...

What is essentially a frequency in the market? It can be represented as a division into cycles - price reversals, the price moved in n points in one direction and back - the cycle of the oscillatory process has passed, and so on for all knees.

So the number of ticks per day is approximately the same, does it mean the daily average number of points (way) of a pair is also the same?

So, consequently, the density of market cycles should also have periodicity, because the number of cycles depends on the number of bends.


So you've been practicing this successfully without me, so it's not the point...
))) OK. Anything else?
)))) OK. Anything else?

Dance a goodbye jig, or sing something from BG))

Why don't I sing - I will!

"Everything in the world is fickle,
Everything decays, that's the cross!
I'd love all the flora and fauna
There's no room left in my heart.
I don't know where I belong
If I'm on this side.
The driver himself doesn't know
That he's taking you to me..."

Bye. And please don't eat raw tomatoes at night.


The problem is that it may not be an insider but something else, not the essence, but the manifestation of something similar takes place. for example, how to explain that the change of the character of dynamic processes on exotics starts to manifest earlier than on majors in a cluster.

And you can give an example of qualitative estimation, because it's already a sporting excitement to understand what we are talking about.

And about the insider - a certain Valera, must be aware of how to implement it inconspicuously))). He does it spontaneously. After all, many on the forum, it is unclear who writes it, Trololo, or some Valera (like, what caused the trading activity - an insider, or someone's current need). Valera's got a way of hiding... :), so to find Valera in the statistics, by indirect signs, without his passport (count it without his algorithms), is no easy task. And the sketch (speculation to find) - you can and some, hypothetical, say, Sergei find - here's an externally similar to Valera (also two eyes, two ears, a nose), but does not behave like him. :)


I'm sorry they pay attention to who writes and not what they write, their problem.

You know, they do. And so is adherence to the rules of syntax and punctuation. You have a problem.