Interesting and humorous - page 149


What does this have to do with scribblers?

Quotations on the dissolves - cited just from the archival notes of party-paratrooper N.A. Ribkovsky, instructor of the personnel department of the Leningrad city committee of the All-Union Communist Party

Well, it was, so it was, in those days everything could be. I'm just sick and tired of hearing about the atrocities of Stalin's regime. Yes, it was interesting when it first became known after Khrushchev's report. But now it is not interesting any more, there are more burning topics.

"Academician Likhachev, anhonoured and respected man, and a survivor of the blockade himself, writes in his memoirs: "In the meantime, food was being rapidly removed from Leningrad and no attempt was made to disperse it, as the British had done in London. The Germans were preparing to blockade the city, while we were preparing to surrender it to the Germans. Food evacuation from Leningrad stopped only when the Germans cut all the railways". Likhachev does not provide any documentary evidence of the fact that food from the doomed city was exported (rather than imported), however, the memoirs do not claim to be a scientific study.
In a scientific study (D. V. Pavlov, "Leningrad in the blockade" - M.: Voenizdat, 1958), and published in Soviet times, we read: "The General Directorate of the sugar industry, which was in Moscow, sent a telegram in mid-September 1941 to the Leningrad office of Sakharosbyt demanding that several carriages of sugar be shipped from Leningrad to Vologda, although Leningrad had already been blockaded since 8 September
". The author cites this fact as a curious example of "people's untimely awareness". But I suggest to pay attention to the direction of the prescribed movement of the high-calorie product. And if Germans did not cut the roads - would they take sugar to Vologda? And would it have been only sugar?

The assumption that from the pre-blockade Leningrad the products were taken out seems absurd and blasphemous - but only at first sight, and also rather clouded by the generally binding pathetics. On reflection, it is only a particular case of fulfilling Comrade Stalin's general directive: "Do not leave to the enemy a kilogram of bread or a litre of fuel. The collective farmers must steal all the livestock and deliver the bread to the state authorities for transporting it to the rear areas. All valuable property, including non-ferrous metals, bread and fuel, which cannot be taken away, must be destroyed unconditionally". Note - nothing is said about the evacuation of the population from the territories where "not a kilo of bread" is to be left behind. "(с)


Wake up - human material is worthless.

So it was, so it is and so it will be.

p.s. The Olympic torch has reached Elbrus .... The whole country is waiting for the torch to be put in one place (!!!!).


Particularly impressive at the link is the very first post of the article (just a couple of paragraphs):

"Every day people died of starvation in the besieged Leningrad by the thousands. And for the communist nomenklatura there were sanatoria:
"Meals here are like in peacetime in a good rest home: varied, tasty, high quality, delicious. Every day there was meat - lamb, ham, chicken, goose, turkey, sausage; fish - bream, herring, smelt, both fried and boiled and flooded. Caviar, cured fish, cheese, tarts, cocoa, coffee, tea, 300g of white bread and the same quantity of black bread a day, 30g of butter, and to all this, 50g of grape wine, good port for lunch and supper.

"And in the meantime, the elite communists were consuming caviar which was unaccustomed to the gastronomically backward population. Forced, so that the product would not go to waste. And pirozhki, and balyk, and port. As you know, the Soviet people ate the delicacies in the person of their best representatives - the nomenklatura communists.

.... As you can see, even today a Soviet communist is still able to smear caviar on a sandwich and squeamishly suggest to a starving person: 'Comrade, don't make a bourgeois cult out of food!

Too lazy to read the following posts, or is it non-kosher?)

For fans:миф:обжирающийся_жданов


"Academician Likhachev, anhonoured and respected man, and a survivor of the blockade himself, writes in his memoirs: "In the meantime, food was being rushed out of Leningrad and no attempt was made to disperse it, as the British had done in London. The Germans were preparing to blockade the city, while we were preparing to surrender it to the Germans. Food evacuation from Leningrad stopped only when the Germans cut all the railways". Likhachev provides no documentary evidence of the fact that food from the doomed city was exported (rather than imported), however, the memoirs do not claim to be a scientific study.
In a scientific study (D. V. Pavlov, "Leningrad in the blockade" - M.: Voenizdat, 1958), and published in Soviet times, we read: "The General Directorate of the sugar industry, which was in Moscow, sent a telegram in mid-September 1941 to the Leningrad office of Sakharosbyt demanding that several carriages of sugar be shipped from Leningrad to Vologda, although Leningrad had already been blockaded since 8 September
". The author cites this fact as a curious example of "people's untimely awareness". But I suggest to pay attention to the direction of the prescribed movement of the high-calorie product. And if Germans did not cut the roads - would they take sugar to Vologda? And would it have been only sugar?

The assumption that there was food exportfrom the pre-blockade Leningrad seems absurd and blasphemous - but only at first sight, and also rather clouded with general compulsory pathetics. On reflection, it is only a particular case of fulfilling Comrade Stalin's general directive: "Do not leave to the enemy a kilogram of bread or a litre of fuel. The collective farmers must steal all the cattle and deliver the bread to the state authorities for transporting it to the rear areas. All valuable property, including non-ferrous metals, bread and fuel, which cannot be taken away, must be destroyed unconditionally". Note - nothing is said about the evacuation of the population from the territories where "not a kilo of bread" is to be left behind. "(с)

How it is possible to twist and turn everything upside down.

"Pre-blockade". Who could have known? That, in principle, is enough to draw conclusions.

The city is being prepared for an attack, naturally all the food supplies are being taken out, so that in case of surrender it does not give the enemy an advantage, this is a childish elementary warfare strategy. By the way, even to the advantage of the leadership. Despite the strategic importance of Leningrad, the retreat was allowed and preparations were made for it. But it was not possible to retreat.

About sugar. Well, I am sorry, there was no Internet in those years, we could not send e-mails.



Just pick up a calculator and in a few minutes it will become clear (see link) that delivering 1500 tonnes of flour (800 grams of bread per person) daily to the city - using coastal, water and ice roads - is not difficult at all.


Perhaps this thesis needs no comment. A masterpiece of thought, a brilliance of intellect.

Instead, they were gorging themselves on caviar buns and "reporting back" on the impossibility of such a delivery. Let hundreds of thousands die! But (and I quote) "Of the apparatus of the district committee, the Plenum of the district committee and the secretaries of the primary organizations, no one died. We managed to defend the people", A.M. Grigoriev, first secretary of the Leninist district committee of the All-Union Communist Party(b), recalled proudly.

Why do you think it was not possible to defend it? "Defeat" is of course an overstatement, but they managed to keep people alive so that they did not lose their humanity, and no one pointed the finger at Leningrad afterwards. On the contrary, people have become heroes, it is no small merit of the leadership, not only to maintain the ideological morale, but also for people, for their perception of being human.


Strange logic. My grandfather and father told me about the atrocities of the Communists, and I myself lived in the USSR (fortunately not for long, it collapsed) and I know what kind of people they are - the Party clan. And I know what they are capable of, it is not the worst thing to live for when people around you are dying of starvation. No, by your logic it follows that I should not believe my father and grandfather, since I myself am not capable of such a thing. And if I do, then I can do it myself. Something's not right here.

Right, the time has come for boys to grow up and start thinking for themselves.

Today at 12:00 pm Moscow time Dozhd TV will hold a Love thy Motherland marathon.
("Patriotism is when you love your homeland, not its 'leaders'!)

Descendants of patriotic bureaucrats (preserving family traditions) and other hurrah-propagandists can already start writing hysterical denunciations to the prosecutor's office about "extremism"!

Maybe the number of denunciations will finally turn into quality ...In the meantime, the Prosecutor's Office has not found any extremism in the actions of the Dozhd TV channel, no matter how hard it tries.

Can anyone explain why we don't have a single leader that the people love and that love has stood the test of time?