TA or something you don't know about. - page 100


I'm sorry, have we been drinking with you? You might want to tone it down. Take part in what. For the last 10 pages no one has even tried to get close to the topic. Open your eyes, and so do you.

I wonder if intellectuals really exist. Or is the whole phenomenon of the intelligentsia just a verbal fiction (a myth, if you like) to create an image in the masses of some elite group to which you can proudly belong? How many and what rituals do I have to dance through before you dignify me with the right to poke you? Is this your kind of constructive? ;)

I did try to start a discussion in the last post though, and here's the bottom line.

Where is the product? Apart from the criticism and demands, I didn't find anything. Not a single thought other than poncey.

You take it out of your stash first, then you can hope.

Peter_Zabriski: There's not a lot of people here, unlike me who's an atheist, who's read the Holy Bible...

I am also, you could say, an atheist. I mean, not a Christian.

But I've read it, I've read it, even from King James, it's very beautiful. True, only New Testament.

And it saith: Thou art chosen.

MD: Just as a refresher, there's another article by comrade Bateson.

Redundancy and coding
Copied it so I don't forget it.
The context is wrong. Learn the "Afterthought".

Well the context so stated, if I understand correctly, is also a branch of a large diagonal I had to read. So, the context is inextricably linked to TA, as a consequence these branches are inseparable in the overall outcome of thought. So the remark is not really relevant.

It was said that TA works within context. There is some thought to the approach of iterating context. From statistics. And from spectral data.

The market is inertial. You can think of context as a manifestation of this inertia, its increase and decrease. I do not know if the author meant it, as he started the thread initially evidently without wanting to develop the idea. And having asked others what it resulted in, and you are looking at it calmly.

So here is the impulse and the correction. Or rather not so. The impulse is set by the contex. But we can see the strength of the duration of this impulse by its consequences, roughly speaking by the waves on the water from a thrown rock. The stone is the impulse. The waves are a determinant of the rock, its mass or something.

The spectral components from the impulse will exhibit their own inertia, each frequency different. The impulse is only useful for trading when it is not yet complete, but you can tell from its inertial effects that it is a pulse.

By reaching the middle (at best) or the end of the impulse, you catch a small, but part of the movement. Actually, the context is the momentum, when it has already been defined.

Who can correct, we can discuss. But please get rid of inadequate personalities with pathetic personal insults.


Right. Let's get back to the sheep.

Here is a pearl in the subject: Rumor has it that this branch is redundant. Is it true? If true: Is it bad?

Next: Is noise harmful? Where is the boundary between signal and noise? Is it objective? Can it be formalised?

And the main point: What is noise in one context, is it not a signal in another? But the question is rhetorical, more of a statement.

Uh... Gotta catch my breath.


Who can correct me, we can discuss. Just please get the inadequate personalities away from me already with the scurrilous personal insults.

Bro, that's impossible... :) Put the ball in the goal and don't worry about it. You'll live, I guarantee it. ;)
There is a suggestion to the moderators. Delete 70-80% of the forum content. The efficiency of the forum would improve, it would be easier to find what you need.
I have a different opinion. Absolutely not. The forum is not a guidebook. Castration hasn't increased productivity for anyone yet.
DmitriyN: A suggestion to the moderators. Delete 70-80% of the forum content. The efficiency of the forum will increase, it will be easier to find what you need.

Constructive suggestions on the forum go in the SPAMERS thread. You'll find it.

P.S. You'll be put in charge of the forum's efficiency and you'll clean it up.


About efficiency. Five years ago I used to worry about it. The forum seemed like a stack with needles dyed exclusively in the colour of straw. Now I'm fine with it. Not because I've got used to it, but because the forum is a process. It is not a product. It is a lively process that boils people and ideas. And the process of cooking is "more important" and "older" than any of participants and any brewed idea. And without it, there would be no people or ideas. And it is not for me (and not for Dima) to judge which component of the broth is the main catalyst.

Well, you don't have to strain your eyesight to find needles, you have to grow a magnet.

...Well, you don't have to strain your eyesight to find needles, you have to grow a magnet.
I'll give you an example. You accumulate some bookmarks, and after a year the material is in the palm of your hand.


Cool! Actually an alternative forum navigator)