In how much time and transactions is it possible to get 10,000%? - page 2


And with 120p, note the Maximal Drawdown: 10.51 (1.62%)

Yes, but with this kind of trade every next trade could be your last. even for $100 i wouldn't risk so much

interesting at least, clearly not the 10% per month


And with 120p, note the Maximal Drawdown: 10.51 (1.62%)

Yes, but it's a BALANCE drawdown. It could have been 90-95% in terms of funds as it does not appear in the report. And Margin Call is caused by equity drawdown, not balance drawdown.
Yes, but it's a BALANCE drawdown. In terms of money it could be 90-95% because it does not appear in the report. And Margin Call is caused by equity drawdown, not balance drawdown.

I agree... ;)

I'm getting a bit testy)))) I just hate it when people say "no way... " "not realistic..."

all in our hands, impossible does not exist, if we want it, and the result will always be


I corrected my post, I advise to correct yours too.

We are not talking about the system, and certainly not about its profitability and not you judge it, but about the real/unreal, as I wrote, the fact that 160 times my friend has raised his deposit in less than a week is a fact, the report posted, it's also a fact ...

and let's not make a big deal out of it


5 TRADING DAYS and 16,000% ? no, that's too much even for a casino.

because after opening the whole deposit we have a 19% greater chance of getting a margin call than doubling the deposit.

That's a spread + 15%, or in some kitchen, 10% of the deposit.

Have you forgotten your first post? "...not interested in the strategy itself - for that matter, please don't flub."

I have answered your question, other people have given you specific facts and figures. You, on your part, start talking nonsense in the form of excuses, etc. ... What's more there, what's less there - those are other questions and that's another topic ... Be respectful to yourself and other forum participants who didn't bother to answer your question, take it into account, check it if you want, but don't talk nonsense... :-)))

If such questions arise then 99.99% that for you it is not realistic. And why even set such goals? They lead to a rapid and inevitable drain. The fact that someone is able to do 10 000% per year (Larry Williams, Gunn or Elder, for example) does not mean that you or I will do it. Theoretically, YES, maybe. But why provoke yourself? The main task of a professional trader, imho, is to minimize risk, and profit will come of its own accord.

IMHO the answer is exhaustive.

Realistically, to get such a result in 1-2 days, but the chances, even for just a good trader to get such a result will be much less than in the casino.


At one time I saw an outstanding statik from the contest account "Russian roulette" in Br***. There it seemed to talk about even greater profits and all in one day. It was posted here too. Unfortunately I can't find it. Doesn't anyone have it? Or maybe someone remembers the link?


If I were the owner/co-owner of a brokerage company, I would be trying my best to "stir up" your interest in a quick fabulous profit and

I could give you a lot of examples of people who got "rich" on Forex.

Dealer Centers are owned by people who have long learned the "truth" that it is impossible to get rich gambling with your own money on Forex.

Owning a DC is a win-win business, which is constantly fueled by money believers in 10000% per annum.

Having transferred your money to a VC, forget about it - it's no longer yours. Now you have to win them back in the "unequal struggle" with the DC.

The transferred money is the price of admission ticket to the labyrinth, from which few will get out alive.

The owners of the DCs are really smart people who firmly know that no one knows where the price is going to go.

they're not clever, we're just stupid:)

Is 10,000% profit a myth or a realistic goal?

I am interested in the opinion of professionals or those who consider themselves to be professionals.

Is it realistic to make 10 000% for example in 1 - 2 months?

Is it realistic to raise from $100 to $10,000 over such a period of time?

After all, the greater the period of work, the less chance of making a profit.

How many average trades will this take, if I use your best trading strategy?

I'm not interested in the strategy - please don't postpone it.

i am interested in the number of deals needed to multiply the deposit by 100 times and the time period of your trading.

I don't know if you are interested in the strategy itself, please don't rub it in your posts.

Yes it's real, even in a week you can do 10000% if you try hard enough)
You can if you sign up. Except that $100 is not a serious amount of money. With $10K you can make $1M in a year with reinvestment.