The future - page 8

Well, how are they related intuition is knowledge (which is outside man and from it all discoveries and inventions come...). The future is unknown and only intuition can sometimes look into it - directly, with the help of logic and science (application of regularities) it is also possible to calculate upcoming events with a price....
outside a person ? What nonsense. If there are processes going on in your brain that you cannot comprehend, it does not mean that they can go on outside your head. Have you even heard of Ins? It is an attempt to simulate brain thinking and its application in forex for forecasting or optimisation.
outside the human being? That's nonsense. Just because there are processes going on in the brain that you can't realise doesn't mean they can be going on outside the head. Have you even heard of Ins? It is an attempt to simulate brain thinking and its application in forex for forecasting or optimisation.
It's called empty-headedness... If you don't realise something, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist and if you know something and are convinced of it, it doesn't mean it does.... (maybe it's fantasies.... waves..., indicators.... moods...). Outside the person is figuratively - unconscious processes happening to or in the person (processes with the brain, processes of receiving information... from outside...)
...and just because you know something and are convinced of it doesn't mean it is.... (maybe it's fantasies.... waves..., indicators.... moods...).
You know it yourself, just because you believe in something doesn't mean it is
You know it yourself, just because you believe in something doesn't mean it is

If you believe that intuition is outside of us, it doesn't mean it is.
You know it yourself, just because you believe in something doesn't mean it is
You don't have to believe in anything, just experiment... This seems to me to be the right way to implement - successful trading.

If you believe that intuition is outside of us, it does not mean that it is
Intuition is not something - material - it is our additional abilities. Outside of us is information all that is valuable in this universe is information, the purpose of existence and development of everything is to gain information - knowledge and experience. Simply to say God created man to get from him - knowledge and experience and continuous self-development.
You don't have to believe in anything, just experiment... Here's what I think is the right way to go about it - successful trading.

do not agree
Intuition is not something - material - it is our additional abilities. Outside of us there is information , all that is valuable in this universe is information, the purpose of existence and development of everything is to gain information - knowledge and experience. Simply to say God created man to receive from him - knowledge and experience, and continuous self-development.

you originally claimed that intuition is the future, you are not consistent in your assertions, which means you have no specific point of view.

Tantrik, "outside man", where exactly is that ?


do not agree

Why? The experience you and others have accumulated and the patterns should be present, but not dominate you...

And based on the article in the CRDFM - you can conclude (it's an unknown to me proof), that the quotes are additionally processed by an anti-logical apparatus... (and it has to be taken into account...).