Useful tools - page 7

sever29 писал(а) >>

Please share the link to the software or the distro, because it's a hell of a lot easier to get around.

At the end of the first post, but you have to register... And this shit is for some specific platform NeoTicker.

Figar0 писал(а) >>

At the end of the first post, but you have to register... Oh, and this shit is under some specific NeoTicker platform.

>> thank you is not a software, but the information on correlations, volatility, indices, etc. is unparalleled, flexible settings... very informative. Maybe someone has something similar in their "favourites"?
Here's a quick overview of plugins for Chrome. I personally find Hyperword and ADlock useful.
ForexTools >>:

1) - по сравнению с этим маленьким бесплатным монстриком, стандартный диспетчер задач это просто амеба. Самое важное в Anvir

What is the meaning of this?

Add to trusted area
put something like ANVIR in the name

What to do with this anvir? :) If anyone is interested in the opinion of a safety expert. :))) then don't use it. !!! If you need something like this, there is a utility from Microsoft no less interesting - by Mr. Mark Russinovich, And also pay attention there is a bunch more software on the left which can be trusted. :) But I would not install this AnVir for anything. As well as TakeMySpread, or something like that.

And most importantly, remember that antiviruses help in about 50% of cases, do not pick up a spy, or spammer or rating scammer or zombie for ddos, so you should not trust antiviruses, well, only have as virus protection in the mail or on the site.

And the second if the malicious program has established on your computer - the so-called rootkit - all you in the first place it will never find and secondly never delete, ( certainly see what rootkit ) So it is not necessary экперментамента with health of the computer - it is not necessary NEVER to start prog from unknown not checked up manufacturers or authors. :)

How do you do it then? - Simple - there is a thing called VirtualBox, it allows you to create virtual machines - you can have as many as 100 virtual machines inside your computer. Just like that, with the bios, the monitor, etc. When you install OS there you start all sorts of extraneous programs and watch what they do. If they pass the quarantine ( everything was fine for a couple of months but it's better to let them stay there all the time! ).... quarantined - you can already put it into a normal computer.

And don't use any virtualization software, like virtual-records or some other. The best thing nowadays is virtualbox from Sun company.

In addition - there is another and even more reliable way to protect yourself - do not use the wind, and what any Ubuntu, :) It is like a wind emulator. But this is actually the most correct but the most difficult way - because at first in this emulator does not work, and the system itself is a bit unusual for accustomed to the winds. But this system is absolutely free, it has free office, a huge amount of free software (thousands times more than for the winds), has x64 and x32 versions, a very nice and simple interface, simple system settings..... Overall, I recommend it. The main thing is that installed and configured takes 650 megabytes, that is 5 gigs, but only one windup - and 650 megabytes - everything is 650 megabytes long. It has a system of continuous free updates, free antiviruses and if you want you can also put a virtual box and race there XP for example.

Yes - ubuntu and VirtualBox.... That's what they're called.



There are utilities like FileMon, TcpView, RegMon, AutoRuns, etc. on microsoft (MS) site - they do all the same, but without all the crap that is in this anvir. Anvir is some kind of left program, I can even guess who its owner is... but I won't. :)

SProgrammer >>:

Да так на сайте микрософта (МС) есть такие утилиты - FileMon, TcpView, RegMon, AutoRuns, и проч - они делают все тоже но только точно без то дури что есть в этом анвире. Анвир этоже какая-то левая прога, я даже могу предположить кто ее хозяин... но не буду. :)

It's no other than Osama Ben Laden
Mischek писал(а) >>

It's not like Osama Ben Laden.

Why - I know everyone in my profession, and such security software is written only by security specialists, which can be counted on the fingers. :)

You must be joking, it's not funny :)) And here I am, answering. :))