Useful tools - page 5

keekkenen >> :

about the compilation of indicators and scripts, for some reason it blames the inludes ?! it doesn't blames the inludes in the EAs...

figured it out

keekkenen писал(а) >>

help who knows how to do it !

here's the code describing possibility to collapse/uncollapse brackets {}, and highlight paired brackets ()

with this setting it is possible to collapse/uncollapse {} sections, however their highlighting does not work like for the OPERATOR item, if we add parentheses {} to the list of

of the OPERATOR item, colour selection for {} brackets will appear but the ability to collapse/uncollect is gone...

help please...

Try changing { to &#007B; and } to &#007D ;


it doesn't help, it's not the presentation of the brackets, it's their processing... they're only highlighted if they're on the same line...

Does anyone know a good Virtual WhiteBoard software?

For those who use the visuals, especially the 6.0.

VBAG >> :

For those of you who use the visuals, especially the 6.0.

Used to use it in 7 and 8, now using it in 9, I see no reason not to use it in 10, when we move the project to it. But it's advisable to tear it down from time to time. Because this thing sometimes fails, it causes immense memory and processor burn. It happens very rarely, but it happens - though on a project that is not too small, to put it mildly.

I have been using it for a very long time. It's great on small projects at all.

It's true, it doesn't understand when template is used as a template parameter (template < template < template <typename, typename>, typename>), but I haven't seen any software which normally understands such constructions.

TheXpert >> :

Used to use it in 7 and 8, now using it in 9, I see no reason not to use it in 10 when we move the project to it. But it's advisable to tear it down from time to time. Because this thing sometimes fails, it causes immense memory and processor burn. It happens very rarely, but it happens - though on a project that is not too small, to put it mildly.

I have been using it for a very long time. It's great on small projects at all.

It's true, it does not understand when template is used as a template parameter (template < template < template <typename, typename>, typename>), but I haven't seen any software which normally understands such constructions.



Useful software. In particular, the calculator. I use it to calculate the value for the visibility of an object on a graph.

from the thread

TakeMySpred - any, even negative !!!

MaStak >>:


Про подмену спреда в symbols.sel вы уже наверно знаете.

Я просто решил облегчить этот процесс, надоело вручную в хекс редакторе править.

Для тех кто этого раньше не делал.

Изменить спред можно только перед запуском терминала.

Связи с брокером быть не должно. Либо отключаем интернет, либо забиваем несуществующий прокси в терминале (например: ставим галочку "Разрешить прокси" и закрываем терминал.

Далее запускаем энту ацкую прогу и указываем путь к файлу Symbols.sel (например: C:\Program Files\MetaTrader - Alpari\history\Alpari-Micro2\). Отыскиваем в списке нужный инструмент, вписываем в текстбокс нужный спред и жмем "Писать". Что там записалось можно узнать если нажать "Читать". Всё прога больше не нужна, закрываем. При закрытии она попутно создаст ini файл и в след. раз путь к папке указывать не надо. Спред задаётся в стандартных пунктах, т.е. если инструмент имеет 5 знаков пунктом считаеться 4-ый, если 3 то 2-ой. Вроде всё.


Comes up all the time from time to time - threw a link here. The author doesn't mind.


useful antivirus software
