EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 869


Today, I was woken up by a level check alarm. Didn't get enough sleep again :)

I guess I should have switched to downtrend mode. I was too late for that. Listened to the statements of bank analysts :)))

I wonder how far it will continue, the situation is opaque...

Hanging selves on the pound. For it to die, it's not going down :(

I'm late too
Since the pound isn't going down, however this move downwards may turn out to be another tipple :(
gip >>:
Поскольку фунта не падает, как бы не оказалось это движение вниз очередной наколкой :(

The pound is running out of steam. It has nowhere to grow, but it might show a new high on H1. The FA should probably come to the rescue here...

The thing is, that either it should fall down from the current ones (but for that the last fall does not fit the momentum) or it should give a high and fall down after it. Gotta think....

P.s. I've got my selves covered on the pound, climbing the fence :)

I understand that, that's why I'm selling. But the pound has character, the rate is higher than other currencies (not all of them of course :), FA is good, on good data it can fly a bit. At one time it was above 2!
And on the Jew, what to do
The Eurobucks breaking through the 1.4217 support line did not cause a corresponding sharp drop. Personally, I am still watching, I do not want to make any predictions yet. I will wait for the pullback (if it happens of course...), and then we will have to see.

I think a pullback of the eu will be well coordinated with other pairs now. However, as well as a downside breakdown will also be supported by other pairs :) Anyway, we wait... Let's see what the euro has to say.

What time should she say anything?) Or do you mean just the start of the euro session?
Where the euro will go will be clear in 2-2.5 hours. But right now we are going down.