EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1801

Alexan >>:

Дык по обоим вариантам на 36 с полтиной обязаны сходить?

Ceiling 1.3670

strangerr >>:

Потолок 1.3670

and there will be no backsliding?

I_love_Forex >>:

и отката не будет?

Girl, when you walk around the flat, do you often touch the ceiling with your head?)

Flowery, if there is a ceiling, we bounce off it; if there is a floor, we bounce off it:)))
shut up
Gip, it's time for you to branch out, there's a lot of them.))
What an interesting story they tell
IvGeniy писал(а) >>
Flowery, if there's a ceiling, we bounce off it; if there's a floor, we bounce off it:)))

When bouncing off the floor we get the effect of flow (see above). The most important thing is to wear a rubber suit and inflate it with air so it would not hurt when doing extreme physical exercises...
A bedtime picture.)))
strangerr >>:
Картинка на сон грядуший.)))

What is she telling us? Is it half past six?