EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 897

it is not clear whether this is a warning to those in the village or a signal to bya and who will be in charge if a sudden surge does not happen
LeoV >>:

1000 пунктов за 1 вечер? А ничего не треснет?


He's probably spreading it around the world and on all the forums... so that everyone would buy in, raise the volume of trades, and the price accordingly))))
and I've already bought
brodiaqa писал(а) >>
I don't like the word "go against the trend" )))) Don't scare me please )))) Am I going against the trend? Maybe I should close trades after all?

nothing against.... the pair is flatting on the diaries, down today, up tomorrow, caught by the news movement, not against the trend...

brodiaqa писал(а) >>
Not in one evening no, but in a week maybe. Remember in 2009 the euro went up in one week. almost 700 points. But the dollar is not the euro )))) I don't think it's real.

I remember the euro going down 600 in one day.

Helex >>:

помню как евро опустился на 600 за день

And I will never forget!!!!

What's up may be up but not more than 100 points (I think) ZUP

SVEC >>:

И я ни когда не забуду!!!!

When was that?


If Niroba said do the opposite... Interesting to ask if all the other couples will stay in their place and the gold too????? =)

Oh and don't forget about Greece, as it is almost a default... What kind of news would have to be released to reverse the trend?

itmight go from 1.40 to 1.5, it might not...