EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1722

))) Well, I got the first green light down... but I don't know yet...
RekkeR >>:

У мну этот зеленый горит с 22.00. Сижу в купе, ни паравоза, ни постели, ни чая. И один в вагоне.

I have 1 a.m. GMT to go down... first indications are we'll go down until 7 a.m. ...

mixo_lexus >>:
))) Тэкс .. у мну первый зелёный свет вниз.. но пока исчо ни жу жу...

Oh, I wish I could see one sell signal...
But I don't...
We're really going to bomb 1.3525 tomorrow... eh.... I don't want it !!!
If only from here, and with a rope, and with a song, and right to the 1.3312 !!!
what do you think, a dream???
mixo_lexus >>:

У мну с 1 ночи по Гринвичу должны пойти вниз.. по первым данным будем падать до 7 утра ..

That's the prognosis ???
Where on your azmec ???
I want 1.3312 as high, 1.3368 as low, what do you think ?
Galina >>:

Точняк прогноз ???
А куда по твоей азметке ???
Я хочу 1.3312 как максимум, 1.3368 как минимум, что скажешь ?

From the first impulse 1.3392, then the correction (which may turn into a prize sector, because I don't like H4), after that we go to 3321... but this is in the morning and after that - new adventures...

mixo_lexus >>:

от Первого импульса 1,3392 потом коррекция ( которая может превратится в сектор приз, из за того что мне не нравится Н4 ), после этого на 3321 поедем.. но эт уже с утра и дальше с новыми приключениями...

Keep talking!
Don't stop!!!
I want to hear....
i wish i could....
I'm really going to shore up....
Yeah, I'm watching... I want to move in too... but the structure has a 2 a.m. turnaround on the hourly charts... so maybe sooner is better... a little
Galina >>:

Ой !!!
Ты говари говари !!!
Не останавливайся !!!
Хоть послушаю....
А как бы хотелось то....
Я нан ща и правда зашорчу....

Galina, are you trading or are your thoughts all about sex? Do you have Skype?
I think it has something to do with the Easter inactivity. And as for the one-turn, at the tail of a minute, it may snap and go. Just as long as it moves.

RekkeR >>:

Галина, ты торгуешь или все мысли о сексе?

Yeah, by the way, with such a big Gap in price, we could go away.


I can't get internet on the tambourine...