EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1719

Alexan >>:

АЛЕКСАН ВЫ показываете комбинацию а-b-c+треугольник, то есть зигзаг+треугольник другими словами. В зигзаге волны а и с являются импульсными по определению по Нили. Так вот в нашем случае и волна а и волна с являются коррекционными, то есть такой комбинации быть здесь не может

Waitra, Would you mind turning your face on your avatar, now to the right. No trading all day, eye to eye. Strangerr too, saw it, dropped all orders and like Celentano, went off to plant potatoes for the day.

And to be honest...
I'm sick of his ways of getting people's minds dusted !!!!


And to be honest...
I'm sick of his ways of getting people's minds dusted !!!!

Galina писал(а) >>

I'm back :)))) As the song sings "Snowfall, snowfall, if a woman asks for it" :)))
I agree, in a zigzag A and C should be impulsive. I agree that it is difficult to mark them as such by NILI. Well, since he's marking himself that way, I guess I'll have to. All this confuses me too (internal structure), but no other option yet. Offer your markup, and I'll take a look and think in the morning. Dibs on Neely (even though he's a **dork) :))) Five threes in a row that don't look like a triangle is nonsense. So I'm gonna have to pass.
Alexan >>:

Вернулси :))) Как поется в песне "Снегопад, снегопад, если женщина прооосииит" :)))
Согласен, в зигзаге А и С должны быть импульсными. Согласен, что их сложно разметить таковыми ПО НИЛИ. Ну раз он сам метит так, значит придется. Все это меня тоже смущает (внутренняя структура), но другого варианта пока нет. Предложите свою разметку, а я таки утром погляжуи подумаю. Только чур по Нили (хоть он и **дак) :))) Пять троек подряд, непохожих на треуг - это нонсенс. Так что я тут пас.

In my opinion, it's just too early to draw such markings.
There's no accuracy at all.
And by the way, there is another option.
I once wrote about the fact that I have a very good friend, a trader.
He is not just a wave expert, he is a GIPER MAKSY WOLFWORKER with capital "A".

So he has a markup.)
But he says he needs to see a couple more waves to confirm the picture.
So far, he says, it's too early.
Galina писал(а) >>

He's not just a wavemaker, he's a HYPER MEGA MAXI WAVEMaker with a capital letter of that word.

So he's got the markings :)
But he says he needs to see a few more waves to confirm the picture.
Not yet, he says.

No, no, no. Even though he says it's too early, he's going to put out a marker... Let's make it preliminary, let's make it five. It'll help us (me for sure) in future trading. Always love to hear the opinion of smart people. Get him to do a markup sometime. Please. I can't sleep :))) That's it, insomnia now :-(.

P.S. I'm sleeping... I don't want to hear about any Nili... Waiting for the mega super marking... in the morning... instead of coffee in bed... hrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

P.P.S. Max, I have a much lower sella, and nothing, still alive... Bear with me :)))) snrrrrrrrrrr....

Comrades of the forum, help with AUDUSD. Sell is at 9080, did not have time to take +80p, missed the flash as they say :)
I dont know if i will get a pullback or not.
Anybody have any idea, post it.
I am waiting.
Now, that's a little creepy, but it doesn't mean anything.

America closes and we'll see ..... we've played the bow and that's it.
Vletel po AUD/EUR na 200 baksov v plane SEL! Pohodu evro sdavat' ne hotyat!