EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1723

Everything it shows and predicts is the road north. I'm sitting on pure enthusiasm... Galina's.
The overnight trip to the south ended in a complete fiasco. Before the departure, a black cat's shadow crept along the rails under the train's nose. They thought it was Karenina, but it turned out to be Mrs. Galina. And managed to pop in with ten yards of green, in an undeclared cheque from a bank of suspicious reputation. The driver, a former bosun, flatly refused to go into the night with such a load, through bad luck and with a woman on board. So far we are manoeuvring, near the station.
Good morning everyone, have a good day. Just don't wake Galina.
Here comes the train ...
mixo_lexus >>:
А вот и поезд ..

Miho, wake up, the train has turned.))

strangerr писал(а) >>

>>Miho, wake up, the train has turned)))

Now we're going to turn the train around!!!

Anything goes wrong, it's the Redheads' fault !!!
It's not fair!
Where is the justice !!!
Well, seriously, yesterday I said that at the beginning of a new daily candle will try to grow a little, and so it turned out.
There should be a correction, it should start right now.

It seems to be working so far...but if it's not me...then the tambourine's not chiming...

RekkeR >>:

Тока не будите Галину.

HEY !!!
yesterday i meant flowers, today what?, pots !
Too late, I'm already here !!!!
We don't have much news today.
At 6pm MSC only for the Amerks and at 12.30pm GDP for the UK.
So we are likely to start a slow crawl, slow and steady.
So far, so good.
The big day is Thursday, there is a lot of news there, so it's going to be a real bumpy one.
Galina >>:
Сегодня у нас особо никаких новостей нет.
Часов в 18.00 по МСК только по амерам и в 12.30 ВВП по англии.
То есть скорее всего начнем медленно сползать, неторопливо так.
Я так пока вижу.
Важный день четверг, там целая куча новостей, швырять будет только так.

You're a pipsqueak at heart, though;)))

Galina, it's always the redheads' fault))) What's up with your markings?
Galina, ay, where's the supermegaparking?)))