EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1708

Alexan >>:

Что-то не торопится ерва падать... strangerr, книжку тебе скинули?

I'll have a look at the mail, but I'm all for taking my time.) They didn't send me the book(( Alexan, please send it to me, if it's not difficult.

Alexan писал(а) >>

Pound. Looks like we're forming the wrong triangle (at least the other options don't work)

Yeah. It's a wrong triangle. It's a good one. And I was just thinking here.... the extended C triangle I was talking about should be cancelled... The point there is that A-B-C should look like a Zigzag and the "C" wave should satisfy the impulse stretching. But this is not the case here. => Your version is more correct. So, the "E" target is higher than the "C" wave.

The main thing is still to understand what place this triangle has in the overall structure. Sometimes it happens that they just do not fit and therefore such an option should be discarded. But, again, the most frequent corrective patterns are triangles and not Zigzags, as many people think. So this variant is obviously (statistically) correct.

The forecast is as follows: At the earliest on April 3 the GBP will be >1.54

P.S. corrected the time length on April 3. I estimated that on the H4 the D wave (the longest by time) takes 39 candlesticks. So the E wave will be 39 and more. Again, it is more correct to count the monowaves, not the candles.
What, in four days you think he'll be there ????
Oh, you guys!
Oh please...
I think it has a much better chance of testing 1.4620 by April 2.
Galina писал(а) >>
What, in four days you think he'll be there ????
Oh, man, you guys!
Oh please...
I think it has a much better chance of testing 1.4620 by April 2.

It's not us, it's all Neely. We only provide the facts :)
Galina >>:
Что, за четыре зня он по вашему там окажется ????
Ну вы блин даете !
Ушь увольте...
По моему у него гораздо больше шансов протестировать 1.4620 ко 2 апреля.

Galina, again I disagree with you, I think it will be there in the near future.

Chego-to baks rastet! Sudya povsemu Stangerr ty prav! Postavil sell stop at 1.34660! Funt tozhe sletaet!
strangerr >>:

Галина, опять не соглашусь с вами, думаю, что в ближайшее время он там будет.

Chert, baks poletel!
TupoiKachek >>:
Chego-to baks rastet! Sudya povsemu Stangerr ty prav! Postavil sell stop na 1.34660! Funt tozhe sletaet!


I don't know, the quid has been standing still for half a day with a small minus.

I'll enter on the correction at one o'clock in the morning... It's best not to touch the grafekg for now...
strangerr писал(а) >>

I'll have a look at the mail, but I'm all for taking my time.) >>The book didn't come off(( Alexan, send it to me, if it's not difficult.

Why don't you look in your inbox? Here's the file, download it. Anyone who wants it can download it too. Neely. Mastering Elliott Wave Analysis.