EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1102

rustein писал(а) >>

Excuse me for asking, why do you trade intramillenium? Do robots work that way too?

Intra is in. Millennium is millennium... So the comrade is asking, Galina, why do you work on such a long term?

tomas911 >>:

Вроде фунтик падает...

That's the fun of it.
Galina >>:
Пора бы евре то ужо кудань ть ....

Galina, you have nerves of steel!!!
strangerr писал(а) >>
There should be a hell of a shot up on the pound right now.

Based on what? Can I have a picture or an argument? My hands are itching to open somewhere :))

In short, there will be no action until 6pm, so relax))
Alexan >>:

На чем основано? Можно картинку или доводы? Руки чешутся куда-нибудь открыть :))

There are a lot of pictures to be taken from different tf's.
And I'm looking and looking... ...and it looks like a third one might go down on the cable...
Alexan писал(а) >>

Intra is in. Millennium - millennium... So the comrade asks, Galina, why are you working on such a long term?

А... Let him read the previous pages...

Because he's tired of answering the same thing.

Alexan писал(а) >>

Based on what? Can I have a picture or an argument? I am itching to open somewhere :))

I am itching to go long :) but dollar-yen is on the buy =) pair probably wiped or something, and will not break through to the bottom, but the turkey thinks so and he is the bird =)

strangerr >>:

В том и прикол.

What's the catch? It hasn't reached the bottom yet, why would it impulse upwards?