EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1068

baltik >>:
Вообще gip по теме и главное на родном языке :)

This came to me on the economic news. And only Russophiles and amerophobes can't read English now, I hope you are not a Russophile? Do you know what google is? It has a translator, you know?
gip >>:
United States investigators probing cyber attacks on several American companies, including search engine giant Google, are zeroing in on the real culprits, reports said Monday. The officials were quoted as saying that the author of the code used to attack the firms had been identified and the hacker was a Chinese national working as a freelance security consultant. It was by utilising a security hole in Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser that the hacker managed to launch the attacks which reportedly targeted more than 30 US firms. However, after the investigators found out the attacker's modus operandi, the flaw was rectified. In the wake of the attack, Google threatened to wind up its China operations citing security reasons. The reports came even as the two Chinese schools, Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Lanxiang School, a large vocational training centre in Jinan said to be linked to the incident strongly refuted the charge. According to a spokesperson at Shanghai Jiaotong, quoted by China's state-run Xinhua news agency, media reports implicating the two schools were based merely on an IP address. Further it quoted an offical of Lanxiang as saying that there was no truth in reports suggesting the involvement of a "specific computer science class" taught by an Ukrainian professor, since no foreigner was employed there.

It's a shame about the Chinese Aidentifide.

In case anyone doesn't know.|ru

I thought it would correct to certain levels and then go down. But the dollar decided in its own way - it went in a sideways trend, it is already visible clearly.There are different indicators showing volumes - I think, there will not be a real trend within the nearest two days. The general trend has not changed - the targets are about 1.In the EU they do not want to see an expensive euro. Everything there is very bad - the only thing they could agree on is that they will help each other = EU will live. Until March they will restructure and then ask for money. Some are already asking Russia.

all went uphill...


42/58 my script says...

fasklo >>:
Ну что уровень нам дал загадок.Я думал будет коррекция до определеных уровней а потом движение в низ .А долар решил по своему- взял и ушел в боковой тренд,это уже видно четко.Боли пошли на четкое яркое сужение канала.Броски туда суда -это все реакция на новости.Судя по закупкам долара будем еще болтаться как какашка на воде еще какое-то время.Индикаторы по обьемам разнонаправлены-думаю реального тренда в ближайший день два не будет.Общий тренд не изменился=цели около 1.2700 все равно будут достигнуты.В Евросоюзе пока не хотят видеть дорогой евро.Там все очень плохо-единствено о чем они смогли договоритья что будут помогать друг другу=евросоюз будет жить.До марта они рестрюизироваться а потом просить бабла.Некоторые просят уже у России.А долар нужен всем дорогой (слишком у многих стран на него завязано и много)и он им будет.А Абама его печатает -грубейшая его ошибка-за этим грядет обвал,очем и говорят видные политические американские экономисты.

Don't worry about Obama, America has lived by printing unsecured paper since the early 70s.

slower and more articulate

I'm not actually worried but I think there will be a delay in the movement judging by the volumes and then a move downwards. And in general I assume so and God willing-we will see how it happens
3582 - not a support but a concrete floor