Why anyone who sells signals withdraws - page 8


Maybe it's a pamm - pammers always deposit and withdraw...

I added - well and logically, when an investor withdraws money, the pamm provider gets a percentage, that's where it is added to the total deposit or to the replenishment ........

Server Muradasilov:

Maybe it's a pamm - pammers always deposit and withdraw...

I added - well and logically, when an investor withdraws dough, pamm provider gets a percentage, that's where it is added to the total deposit or replenishment ........

I think my maths is not that bad. My initial deposit is 130 - my balance is 284 - i don't even smell 521% gain.

capital gain

And if you look at the history, you can see that the provider as much money withdrawn - the same amount deposited immediately. Here's an example:

Deposit - withdrawal

Alexandr Saprykin:

Well, I guess I'm not that bad at maths. Start deposit 130 - balance 284 - no sign of a 521% increase.

And if you look at the history, you can see that the provider has withdrawn as much money as he has put in immediately. Here's an example:

I don't doubt your math skills :) What I meant about the PAMM accounts attached to the signal service, how did you know that the signal provider, and not one of the investors, entered and withdrew the money?
Server Muradasilov:
I don't doubt your mathematical skills :) What I meant about the PAMM accounts attached to the signal service, how did you know that the signal provider input and output it, and not one of the investors?

Would it make sense for an investor to withdraw and instantly inject exactly the same amount?

Alexandr Saprykin:

Would it make sense for an investor to withdraw and instantly inject exactly the same amount?

I don't know how to check if you have already invested in a pamm system, it may be a glitch, the pamm provider has not verified it with the broker, and the pamm investor's money may return to his account automatically, maybe the investor has changed his mind, found another pamm provider - there may be a lot of nuances of the pamm system.
Server Muradasilov:
If you do not know the number of pams and you don't know the number of validation at the broker, you may receive a bribe from the investor.
In this case, the calculation of the system is wrong.

They do not withdraw signals, they have understood that they were tracked. Now they open signals with balance from 5 to 30 dollars and make profit from 20 to 100 dollars per each subscriber, a growth from 2 to 5000% and signals live up to 3-4 weeks.

I once wrote them that $10 with such a growth, make $1,000 and 5,000 per cent profit, and they don't need subscribers. They did not give me an answer and it is clear why.

Sergey Bardashov:

They do not withdraw signals, they have understood that they were tracked. Now they open signals with balance from 5 to 30 dollars and make profit from 20 to 100 dollars per each subscriber, a growth from 2 to 5000% and signals live up to 3-4 weeks.

I once wrote them that $10 with such a growth, make $1,000 and 5,000 per cent profit, and they don't need subscribers. They did not give me an answer and it is clear why.

So the subscribers themselves are idiots if they subscribe to such signals.IMHO.
Server Muradasilov:
i.e., i don't know if you are an investor or not. i.e., you are just a glitch in the system; you may not have verified it with your broker and the profit may return to your account automatically; maybe you have changed your mind and found another PAMM provider; there may be many nuances of the PAMM system.
I agree, investors may withdraw funds from PAMM account, while profit % is deposited to the trading account (I have such a PAMM account) - this is not a good indicator of reliability of the signal provider. You should use your brain and analyse the signal you are interested in before you subscribe to the signal and you can ask the provider a question if you do not understand something.
Mikhail Gorenberg:
I agree on the PAMM account, investors can withdraw funds, and the % of profit is deposited to the trading account (I have such a PAMM) - this is not an indicator of the integrity of the signal provider. You should use your brain and analyse the signal you are interested in before subscribing to the signal, you can ask the provider a question if you do not understand something.
You may ask a signal provider if you do not understand it. It is psychology. so some guys, signal providers do not really answer, but some guys talk and answer honestly, they say with a big balance it is 20% a month and with 10 quid on the account it is 5000%.