Protecting the source code before compilation - page 11

Pavel Izosimov:

Any subsequent unauthorised modification of the information displayed on the graph in the info box will cause the logic to break down.

This problem is solved elementary - by deleting all graphical objects at the end of the OnTick function. To be more reliable, the deletion can be performed before all returns.
Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / ObjectsDeleteAll
Документация по MQL5: Графические объекты / ObjectsDeleteAll
Графические объекты / ObjectsDeleteAll - справочник по языку алгоритмического/автоматического трейдинга для MetaTrader 5
Pavel Izosimov:

Example 2: This is what the source code looks like after dynamic encryption (file attached)

Did you compare speed before and after?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
This problem is solved elementary - by deleting all graphical objects at the end of the OnTick function. For better security, the deletion can be performed before all returns.

Dmitry, thank you for your comment!

Are you ready to remove this protection with the elementary way you suggest from the compiled .ex4 file ?

Just this topic talks about additional protections before compilation in order to apply them to ready-to-use files in compiled form

Pavel Izosimov:

Dmitry, thank you for your comment!

Are you ready to remove this protection with the elementary way you suggest from the compiled .ex4 file ?

It's just that this thread talks about additional protections before compilation in order to apply them to ready to use files in compiled form

Talking about your obfuscated code. If so (if the file is ex4), it doesn't matter if the source is obfuscated or not.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

If so (if the file is ex4), it does not matter if the source is obfuscated or not.

Dimitri, our practical experience shows that there is a difference

But we do not intend to change anyone's mind

Защита исходного кода до компиляции
Защита исходного кода до компиляции
С последними билдами терминала МТ4 этот процесс усложнился, но тем не менее опытные специалисты по взлому успешно анализируют их содержание и вносят в них несанкционированные правки, в т. - Страница 6 - Категория: общее обсуждение
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

and yet, no, the machine did start doing something.

what I sent.

what came (I had to cut off the ends to fit the message size)

Alexander, finalised, updated the version of the tread, thank you!

I'm attaching the version of the source code you published in encrypted form. Now it compiles without errors.

If you have time and wish you can also send a request for encryption yourself

Pavel Izosimov:

Dimitri, our practical experience shows that there is a difference

But we do not intend to change anyone's mind

Dude, don't be stupid, there are no idiots sitting here.
Yes... obfuscation is a very risky business... First of all it's your own brains that get obfuscated... and such foolishness begins, as we see in this thread.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Have you compared speed before and after?

Dimitri, you asked a good and really important question!

The more complex the encryption and the more additional security algorithms are integrated, the slower the speed.

At the moment, for more or less complex codes, the speed decreases by a factor of 3-5.

As a rule, security is a significant priority over speed, especially since it is not noticeable in the process of trading itself, and optimal settings can most often be provided by the developer, who has the ability to test at high speed the original code without encryption.

The seriousness of the approach is endearing