SOT - page 16

How important is futures for a forfeit anyway ?
1,000 contacts at 100k.
It's 100m.
It's kind of like a spear for the Eurobucks .....
markets are moving in sync 1 to 1
the euro volume is now 500,000+ pou 100,000 contracts each
50,000,000,000 is not so little
the markets are moving synchronously 1 to 1
the euro volume is now 500,000+ contracts of po 100,000 each
50,000,000 is not so little

I estimate the volume or strength of the market by estimating the virtual income (turnover) S and the elasticity of this income to price Y in pips I determine the market price P = - S/Y. At this moment, for EUR/USD S = 2012 pips, Y = - 1784 pips. Р = - 2012/(-1784) = 1,1280. Since the current price is C = 1.1341, we conclude that the market is bullish.

It turns out that, to move the price 1 point up, $50,000,000/2012 = $24,851,000, which is, plausible.

Теория рынка
Теория рынка
  • 2015.08.19
  • Yousufkhodja Sultonov
До сих пор не существует логически завершенной теории рынка, охватывающей все типы и разновидности рынков товаров и услуг, микро- и макро-рынков, наподобие Форекс. Статья повествует о сущности новой теории рынка, основанной на анализе прибыли, вскрывает закономерности изменения текущей цены, а также выявляет принцип работы механизма, позволяющего цене находить наиболее оптимальное свое значение путем образования цепи виртуальных цен, способных вырабатывать управляющие воздействия на саму цену. Выявлены механизмы образования и смены трендов на рынке.
the markets are moving synchronously 1 to 1
the euro volume is now 500,000+ contracts of po 100,000 each
50,000,000,000 is not so little.

Can you give me a link to 500,000 a day contracts ?
Is it globex ?

The spot volume on ebbs and minors is about 250 yards a day.

Of that in euros roughly a third.

That's pretty good futures...


Can you give me a link to 500,000 a day contracts ?
Is it globex ?

The spot volume on ebbs and minors is about 250 yards a day.

Of that in euros roughly a third.

That's pretty good futures...

it's not a day, it's a total, info
it's not per day, it's total, info

What do you mean by all?
Not since the beginning of the history of the stock exchange - no....
More like daily volume.
A little less than the spot market but that's about it.


What do you mean by all?
Not since the beginning of the history of the stock exchange - no....
More like daily volume.
A little less than spot market but that's about it.

it is open interest at the moment (not per day nor per entire history) , how this differs from volume google it yourself

On SOT, hedgers are selling silver, gold and the JPY and dollar are buying.

Who thinks what?


Ridiculous! what volumes are you counting, these reports do not cover even 10 percent of the Forex market, what can you see with them?

In my opinion, these reports are very doubtful and may not reflect the whole picture. Well, if you have decided to work with them, you should watch them at W1, but not at 4 o'clock, because they are weekly.

If you have decided to work with them, you should watch them on W1, not on 4 o'clock because they are weekly.

Alexey Busygin:

What do you think, these reports do not even cover the 10th part of the Forex market, what can you see?

In my opinion, these reports are very doubtful and may not reflect the whole picture. Well, if you have decided to work with them, you should watch them at W1, not at 4 o'clock, because they are weekly.

If you have decided to work with them, you should watch them on W1, not on 4 o'clock because they are weekly.

Bullshit, of course it is bullshit, otherwise everyone would be very rich and there would be no poor :)