FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 271

What do you mean? Who's dealing in kiwi? )))
let's put it this way ... )))) (they sell potatoes)
let it be so ... )))) (they sell potatoes)

yeah. it's a big market here))))

who are the euro traders - europeans?

maybe divide into camps for fun? )))) for example, the Papuans already have


yeah. it's a big market here))))

who are the euro traders - europeans?

maybe divide into camps for fun? )))) for example, the Papuans are already there

there is no one here. (except for Papuans and maybe a few platypuses).
there's no one here. (except Papuans, maybe a little platypus.)
Teacher, hey, you're not there anymore, you're home.)

yeah. it's a big market here))))

who are the euro traders - europeans?

maybe divide into camps for fun? )))) for example, the Papuans are already there

the vidual and the popuas are they about me, the vidual because without indices, the popuas is an avatar
visualist and popuas they are about me, visualist because no turkeys, popuas is the avatar
come on... )))) they were here before you were )))))
Teacher, hello, you're not there anymore, you're home)
Baking pancakes )))) (you didn't want to listen...((())
visualist and popuas they are about me, visualist because without turkeys, popuas is an avatar

A peeping Tom is a peeping Tom and I mean Rena, and a Papuan, a clown, a demomaniac, a platypus, etc., is the Master's affectionate address to his parishioners, may HIS exhaustion never leave).

And turkeys are hardly anyone here.

baking pancakes )))) (you didn't want to hear...((())
Cheif sell, Vasya)))

A peeping Tom is a peeping Tom and I mean Rena, and a Papuan, a clown, a demomaniac, a platypus, etc., is the Master's affectionate address to his acolytes, may HIS exhaustion never leave).

And almost no one here has turkeys.

Well, as usual, I got it my way.