FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1913


Ilya, you asked me to draw the moon....


Ilya, you asked me to draw the moon....

it's a little late...

shrek's ears, smiley's beard, hat's missing... (Grisha???)


Ilya, you asked me to draw the moon....

Satisfied your harrier is like me when profits go to my garden))
Satisfied your harrier is like me when the profits go to my garden))

Lucky..., and we're passing by, to the dollhouse...

it looks like we won't be looking at the salt river for a long time...


here he is, the harrier for today...


Shrek ears, smiley beard, hat lost... (Grisha???)

Nah... Tantricia )))

Our friend seems to have matured... the shorts are loaded... let's see...

Nah... Tantrisha )))

Our friend seems to have matured... the shorts are loaded... let's see...


ah... ah... ah..:


are you sure?

A colossal layout:

And what to do with it?)
And what to do with it?)
the fuck knows...