FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1888

"EU foreign ministers are due to decide today whether to extend sanctions on
Russia until the end of January 2016".
Fuck and it's June 22nd... (BLEEP))))

We all remember...We mourn...

June 22...

We all remember... We mourn...

My grandfather had a school graduation on the 21st, and the 22nd war - they went straight to the enlistment office with a friend... went through the war, a shrapnel in his back - carried him all his life...

He who comes to Russia with a sword, shall perish by the sword! (Battle of the Neva...)


Strange, how do you structure your own learning process?

When I was at uni - at the beginning of the year I looked at a textbook of 1000 pages - and I thought there were so many important interesting, complicated and incomprehensible things - and at the end of the year -

it's all sort of clear even though I didn't read it - but I just grasped the basic concepts...


you know, there are a lot of dumb questions that if you're in the thick of it - you can't imagine that they would be questionable,

and when you're just starting out it's an insurmountable obstacle.



no one can tell me how the futures and the asset are related - both are traded - so until the price expires there may be no connection at all

something is wrong - but what?

the prices are bound by arbitrage - but what is the arbitrage algorithm - wait for expiry ?? it's bullshit all arbitrage is now HFT ...


no - it seems clear - in theory yes - we have to wait for expiry to arbitrage, but in practice, as everyone knows it, everyone plays on it.

Kids, I do not teach anybody anything).

All you have written is theory)


Kids, I'm not teaching anyone anything.)

Everything you wrote is theory.)

Your goals, where we're fixing it...
Every 100 years, a group of countries gets together to get beaten up by Russia =)
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Your targets, where do you want to fix it?
Somewhere in the middle of summer =)
Roman , that's not a bad answer either , but I think in autumn )June 22. (Dow Jones). According to the STEER fair value model calculated by BNP Paribas, the rise of the pound against the US dollar was excessive. According to this model, the pound/U.S. dollar pair should trade at 1.5453 against the current 1.5850.According to BNP Paribas, while the fair value of the pair has risen over the past week, the rise in the pound was excessive.BNP recommends selling the pound/U.S. dollar pair at 1.59 with a target at 1.5453 and a stop order at 1.6065.-PRIME Translation; +7 495 974 7664;dowjonesteam@ Jones Newswires, PRIMEGMT: 2015-06-22 10:43:01Copyright (c) 2004 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
My adviser has proceeded to buy GBPUSD. The interest rate on the pound could be raised either immediately after the Fed or before - the Bank of England is interested in a strong pound - that's the main thing.