FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1694


Maybe Strange's prediction on the pound will come true - it will fall to 1.5140

although he gave up on it himself yesterday

1.519-1.504 is my forecast ))
Daniil Stolnikov:
Man, that's interesting!!! A clever man comes to a "sharaj montage" and has to make that montage money and write the Grail... For a good living.

Russian business is stupid and ruthless
So the best option, complete freedom of action, the salary is paid and no one interferes to acquire invaluable experience. And if it turns out that, then you can go to a free bread)).
Oleg Tsarkov:
The best option is to have complete freedom of action, the salary is paid and no one is stopping you from gaining invaluable experience. And if it turns out that, then you can leave for free bread)).
Freedom and everything is clear. It is not clear - what does this have to do with the uncle, who is something there?
Daniil Stolnikov:
Freedom and all that - that's understandable. What does it have to do with the uncle who is ?
The uncle pays the money and has every right to demand))
Oleg Tsarkov:
Uncle pays the money and has every right to demand))
Well, there are all kinds of uncles - brokers, construction firms, MUEs ))
who's watching ginger?
Who was it that said the dollar tree spread widening was because of the holidays? +4р ))
hello if anyone remembers me. the yen has the latest hoy. already guessed on yarrow stalks, and the philadelphia oracle doesn't mind. the turtle shell crack control this weekend, and the short for the year, with soros under his arm.
hello, if anyone remembers me. the hen's got the last hai. already guessed on yarrow stalks, and the philadelphia oracle doesn't mind. this weekend's check on turtle shell cracks, and shorts for the year, with soros on hand.
Hi, did the vegetable garden suck you in too?
Hi, did the garden suck you in too?
I went for morels.