FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1656


what do you see by the ruble?
The main thing is not to get our asses handed to us ))))


Poles have elected a new president named Duda...

Let's see what will be executed...

The Greeks are screaming about the debts we won't pay... we don't care... and we are not afraid of a default...

So ours are already thinking about forgiving debts))))
What do you see for the ruble?
I was expecting 46-47, but they didn't take it right away...
I think the crisis freebie is over...
So our people are already thinking about debt forgiveness))))

And human rights have been abolished in the known zone... They do as they please)))

Interesting read -

I was expecting 46-47, but they didn't take it right away...
I think the crisis freebie is over...

if oil falls the ruble too ...

Although who knows?

Goldman Sachs: нефть WTI упадет до $45 за баррель к октябрю
Goldman Sachs: нефть WTI упадет до $45 за баррель к октябрю
25 мая. FINMARKET.RU - Goldman Sachs ожидает падения цен на медь и нефть, роста стоимости цинка. Тенденция к подъему стоимости меди, сформировавшаяся в марте, сменится падением на фоне укрепления доллара США, низкой цены нефти, а также ослабления экономического подъема в Китае, прогнозируют эксперты Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Медь может...

if oil falls the ruble too ...

although who knows?

of course it will fall...the correlation is strong...and the budget needs something to fill it ))))
below 45 I don't know ... they were wrong ... in principle on the last fall
small players (miners) knocked out ... mona and relax ... and the self-cost
... and the self-cost is not low ... although the pendos did get 10 quid a barrel from the militants not so long ago ...
of course it will fall...the correlation is strong...and the budget needs something to fill it ))))
below 45 I don't know ... they were wrong ... in principle, the last fall ...
small players (miners) knocked out ... mona and relax ... and the self-cost
The cost is not low ... although the Gendo's were taking 10 quid a barrel from the militants not so long ago ...
I think it is unlikely to fall seriously now, 73 at least we will see, and maybe even 80.

if oil falls the ruble too ...

although who knows?

the pendos will play mate in three moves - you will remember for a long time

I do not understand what laws govern the ruble - certainly not the oil))
I think it is unlikely to fall seriously now, 73 at least we will see, and maybe even 80.
and with options and futures can you analyse oil ?
I think it is unlikely to fall seriously now, we will see 73 at least, and maybe even 80.

Of course it will fall - I mean the rouble follows oil...

About 73... not a bad number... did you look through the archive? did you like it?