FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1143


What's the use of me telling you yesterday that you can buy the euro, no one was buying it)

And the trades are strictly ex post facto)

I saw the buys and so what? you said yourself, you should not spread out! and trade only on one or two pairs...
I've seen the buys, so what? You're the one who says you shouldn't spread yourself too thin!
I would do it, but it's too tense...) In general, even with one or two pairs one can make obscene amounts of profit...)
Well, well, you pull)))))
I'm not going to trade on it...
The risks are too high, and the yield was only yesterday. Well done=)
Of course they are! How do you get 100% for a month without taking risks?
Of course it's exceeded! How do you get 100% in a month without taking any risks?
did you see it in the last signal?? ...

It's never too late to make a signal! I mean, to monitor it, if only there was something to monitor!))

For sporting interest, scored over 100% for March:

I have not loaded enough of my deposit - I could have made 1000% :-D
Did you see it in the last signal?
I did, I did, in the last one and in the one before that)))
Seen it, seen it, both in the last and in the pre)))
well done=)
So, the teacher has to be called again, it's a mess again)))
What is there to know, I do not look anywhere, I know that the kids are now salting, and then another shpoking, history repeats itself)))
what are they salting, the eura or something?