Experiments with MetaTrader 5 at Discovery - page 50


Question for Otkritie.

When will stocks, options and futures appear in the same MT5 terminal?

Apparently, Otkritie does not care about it without you.

This question is rather to MT5 developers.

In my opinion, never. If only they will include the shares as indexes in the terminal as futures, without the right to trade. You have to ask the broker through their tech support. They don't show up here on the site.

MQ developers need another 10 years of work to make your dreams come true.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Yes, on the demo it is. The demo is very different from the real one.

What if you press the second button at the top?

Sorry for the silly question - with what?
Sergey Chalyshev:

I don't forgive.

Rena, maybe you should look for suitors on a dating site.

I'm used to this site since I was 4 years old.)

What's different, though?

I just haven't used the glass yet. I wonder - is it worth starting experiments? //it's easier to put a dot than to erase it


The seller has an income (presumably). But when you pay alimony, you don't show it. however, I have not made a penny on sales. in forex, it is better to make money with what it is designed for. For this reason I asked about the difference between demo and real. I dug under your level of training, wondering, so to speak. i'm also not sure about earnings in the betting market because it's a pipsqueak, which does not work for earnings. if pipsqueak is not dealt with, all tester grads will come true.

It is not customary to remove with your own hands.
Sorry for the stupid question - with what?

The frequency with which the quotes come in. The size of the spread. Time of operation. Plus, the demo loop (as far as I know, the demo is called so on FORTS), in addition to coming not all of the real quotes come from demo accounts of 20-30 companies that provide demo access.

In short: on FORTS (demo) one can without much effort build a profitable trading robot that will not work profitably on the real market (because of the above mentioned conditions).

Alexey Kozitsyn:

The frequency with which the quotes come in. The size of the spread. Time of operation. Plus, the demo loop (as far as I know, the demo is called so on FORTS), in addition to coming not all of the real quotes come from demo accounts of 20-30 companies that provide demo access.

In short: on FORTS (demo) one can without much effort build a profitable trading robot that would not work profitably on the real market (because of the above conditions).

I've already written above how it is different, if you look into it.

To summarize.

On the demo you trade on a copy of a quote from the real account.

On the real account your order is registered, while on the demo it is not.

On the demo you may receive 1-5 pips of 4 digits in your favour if possible, but it happens quite rarely.

It is very wrong to believe that your order does not change the direction of price movement. This is an error.

Keep in mind the leverage and the value of one lot/contract ...

In short, it looks like this.


I've written above how it's different, if you look into it.

Didn't notice where?

Your "summing up" is completely wrong.

On the demo you are trading on a copy of a quote from the real.

It's not a copy from the real! Read what I wrote!

On the real, your order is accounted for, while on the demo it is not.

On the demo it is even more accounted for, i.e. because the volumes in the deck are much smaller, your position will have a stronger influence on the instrument.

On a demo you might have 1-5 pips of 4 digits in your favour if you can - it is rare, but it happens.

"Play along"? What do you mean? 4 pips... Are you confusing FORTS and Forex?

It is very wrong to believe that your order does not affect the direction of price movement on the real market. This is a misconception

I didn't say anything about that...
Alexey Kozitsyn:

Didn't notice where?

Your "summing up" is completely wrong.

These are not copies from the real world! Read what I wrote!

On a demo, even more is taken into account, i.e. as the volumes in the cup are much smaller, your position will have a stronger impact on the instrument.

"Play along"? How do you mean? 4 signs... Are not you confusing FORTS and Forex?

There's money in both (FORTS, FOREX).

That's all.

Time will judge.


There is money in both (FORTS, FOREX).

That's the end of it.

Oh... Let's go! I sincerely wish you good luck.