Questions from a "dummy" - page 215

Let me know how it turns out. It's interesting :)
Here comes the first dream :)

Time has stopped in the councillor's office.

Here comes the first dream :)

Time has stopped in the councillor's office.

Are the parameters in the expo called up when he's asleep?
are the parameters in the expa called up when he is asleep?
Sorry I don't understand your question. Explain as for the dumb ones please.
G001: Here comes the first dream :) Time has stopped in the EA.
Cool! When was the last bar in the picture formed?
Cool! And the last bar in the picture when was it formed?

The quotes are coming in. Sleep continues. Sometimes the broker freezes the quotes and the standard MA shows the weather. But that's another conversation. If interested I will collect screenshots and show the price discrepancy with the charts and

  Ask = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_ASK),_Digits);
  Bid = NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_BID),_Digits);

Cool! And the last bar in the picture when formed?

You'd have to be a telepath to help. )) There's no information. It's easier to navigate in the dark. ))


To G001: Make a copy of the source code. Remove the code, which belongs to the trading strategy and put it here, if the reason is fear to reveal the GRAAL. )) All these screenshots don't tell you anything.

Local Time - what is this time? Is it the expert's stopping time?
It's not the inputs, it's the position management.
Anyway, thanks everyone, solved the problem, now I catch it when it goes to sleep and restart the terminal. That's enough for me. The problem is not new to me, there is no solution, some brokers in MT4 have such problems as well.

Computer time, for comparison.
void OnTick()
  Comment("Local Time: "+TimeToString(TimeLocal(),TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS));

G001: The quotes are coming in. Sleep continues.
Then it's not clear why OnTick() function is not triggered when the next quote arrives. Either the function itself does not react to arrival of a new NewTick event or the new event is not queued... But, fen-shui, a new event is not queued only if processing of a previous NewTick event is not over. ...And the thought comes back to an infinite loop as the simplest example of an explicit delay in event processing.
now I catch it when it goes to sleep and restart the terminal.

which MQL event do you catch it in?