Why are there so few experts in the MQL5 database? - page 12


Вы можете приложить эксперта и логи агента, на котором производилось тестирование?

Formed through servicedesk with the additions identified.

From the point of view of an unbiased beginner MQL5 is an accessible and elegant language. And provocations are provocations in general.
The new language is a load of crap... You can't deny that the language has become more complex...
the new lingo is a load of crap... you can't deny that the lingo has become more complex...

In order not to redesign bots - a simple solution... header with functions from mt4, and with content from mt5... Right, it will be very convenient... that's what I want to do at my leisure...;)

Though I'm surprised the developer didn't think of that in time...


We are preparing a great solution - an in-house Expert Advisor generator based on wizard.

In fact, traders will be able to create hundreds of Expert Advisor variants on their own without any obvious errors.

from his point of view... the new language is a load of crap... would you deny that the language has become more complex...
What were you hoping to get out of switching to OOP? Don't panic, life will get better...

We are preparing a great solution - an in-house Expert Advisor generator based on wizard.

In fact, traders will be able to create hundreds of Expert Advisor variants on their own without any obvious errors.

It would be good if the MQL file would be generated from Wizard, so traders could learn to program using it.

In order not to redesign bots - a simple solution... header with functions from mt4, and with content from mt5... Right, it will be very convenient... that's what I want to do in my spare time...;)

Although, I am surprised that the developer didn't think of it in time...

I've been doing something similar since the beginning. I ended up with a pretty decent migration library (it only took 6 months)... :)

We are preparing a great solution - an in-house Expert Advisor generator based on wizard.

In fact, traders will be able to create hundreds of Expert Advisor variants on their own without any obvious errors.

Programs that make programs. I've heard that somewhere before, and on the subject of finance.

Ah, I remember - something similar a few smart guys (there is no other way to say it) were engaged in, allegedly for PAMM management at Alpari.

I should go and have a look what they have got in the end, because may be the Wizards is really a thing worthy (and I do not know).


Soon programmers will be completely unable to think. What awaits us, where are we going? :(


Programmes that make programmes. I have heard this somewhere before, and on the subject of finance.

Ah, I remembered - some smart guys (there is no other way to say it) were doing something similar, allegedly for PAMM management at Alpari.

I should go and have a look what they have got in the end, because may be the Wizards is really a thing worthy (and I do not know).


Soon programmers won't be able to think at all. What's in store for us? :(

Those who can not think will be trained as managers :o)

Yes, they just will not be that pile of questions "make me cross three mashka" as if two is not enough :o)

And the creative part will be the "make it so that no one else has it" part. :о)

It would be good if an MQL file would be output from the Wizard, so that people could learn to program using it.
We are already working on getting a ready-made Expert Advisor with one big green button - "Get Profit". The Expert Advisor will have two external parameters - the number of the bank account and the required profit amount.