How do I determine whether the scroll button is pressed or depressed and if so, depress it ! - page 5


int max = SendMessage ( hwndTaskbar, TB_BUTTONCOUNT, 0, 0);

Please tell me where to see all values of constants like: TB_BUTTONCOUNT, TB_ISBUTTONPRESSED ?!

I want to determine the button and its state !

You can look it up on MSDN.

What toolbar command can be used to scroll through the buttons and find the right one?

Has anyone done this?

The graphics window descriptor has been found:

#property copyright "Copyright © 2012 ЛЕО"
#import "user32.dll" 
      int      GetWindow            (int, int);
      int      FindWindowExA        (int, int, string, string);
      int      GetParent            (int hWnd); 
      bool     GetCursorPos         (int& Pos[2]);
      bool     GetWindowRect        (int hWnd,int& Pos[4]);
      int      GetKeyState          (int button); 
      void     mouse_event          (int dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, int dwExtraInfo);
      int      GetAncestor          (int hWnd, int gaFlags);
      int      GetWindowTextLengthA (int);
      int      GetWindowTextA       (int, string, int);
#import "gdi32.dll" int GetPixel (int hDC, int x, int y);
int         Pos[2];
int         rect[4];
int         hwnd, hg, h;
int         X, Y;
string      Name       = "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234";
int deinit() {ObjectsDeleteAll();Comment ("");}
int start() {
      ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment ("");

      int hwnd  = GetAncestor (WindowHandle(Symbol(),Period()),2); //дескриптор основного окна терминала
      int temp  = GetWindow (hwnd, 5);              
      int Count = GetWindowTextLengthA (temp); GetWindowTextA (temp, Name, Count+1);
      if (Name != "Стандартная" || Name == "Графики" || Name == "Графические инструменты") {
            for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
                  temp  = GetWindow (temp, 2);  if (temp == 0) break;
                  Count = GetWindowTextLengthA (temp); GetWindowTextA (temp, Name, Count+1);
                  if (Name == "Стандартная" || Name == "Графики" || Name == "Графические инструменты") {hg = temp; break;}
      } else hg = temp;
      int h  = GetWindow (hg, 5);              
      Count = GetWindowTextLengthA (h); GetWindowTextA (h, Name, Count+1);
      if (Name != "Графики") {
            for (i=0;i<10;i++) {
                  h  = GetWindow (h, 2);  if (h == 0) break;
                  Count = GetWindowTextLengthA (h); GetWindowTextA (h, Name, Count+1);
                  if (Name == "Графики") break;
      Print (DecToHex(h,8));

      while (!IsStopped()) {
            GetWindowRect (h,rect);
            GetCursorPos  (Pos);
            X                       = Pos[0] - rect[0];
            Y                       = Pos[1] - rect[1];
            Comment ("X= ",X,"\n","Y= ",Y); Sleep(100);
string DecToHex (int n, int dig) {
      string s[], r="";
      string Sym[16] = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F"};
      ArrayResize (s,dig);
      for (int i=0; i<dig; i++) s[i]="0";
      i = dig-1;
      while (n != 0) {s[i] = Sym[n%16]; n = n>>4; i--; }
      for (i=0; i<dig; i++) r=r+s[i];
      return (r);

I don't get it... What for?! I'm very surprised. Have you looked at my header? Not according to the code.

Any command from a chart is one function, one line of code.


I don't get it... What for?! I'm very surprised. Have you looked at my header? Not according to the code.

Any command from a chart is one function, one line of code.

OK, I'll look elsewhere for a solution to this question.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


OK, I'll look elsewhere for a solution to this issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience...

There, in the header, the code and example. There is no need to be offended. What you are doing has long been solved many times on this forum in different versions. You just need to look at the WinUser32.mqh header file, which my library has. All the control codes are there. I have already written about it several times.
There, in the header, is a code and example.

Copy here what you consider an example for this question ?!

I only found this:

// 3.1.1 Function enables/disables auto-scrolling of the specified chart.
void ServiceAutoScroll(int hwndChart); // System descriptor of the chart window, on which autoscroll is disabled.
// 3.1.2. The function enables/disables the shift of the specified chart. If successful, method returns TRUE, otherwise - FALSE.
bool ServiceShift(int hwndChart); // System descriptor of the chart window, on which the shift is enabled/disabled.

But you don't need it !


Copy here what you think is an example on the subject ?!
And look it up yourself?

If this function here, I still need its internals ...

// 3.2.1 The function returns the auto-scrolling state of the specified graph. If successful, the function returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
bool ServiceGetAutoScroll(int hwndChart); // System descriptor of the chart window, from which the auto-scroll state is returned.


Copy here what you think is an example on the subject ?!

I only found this:

// 3.1.1. The function enables/disables auto-scrolling of the specified chart.
void ServiceAutoScroll(int hwndChart); // The system descriptor of the chart window, on which the autoscroll is disabled.

// 3.1.2. function enables/disables the shift of the specified chart. The method returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
bool ServiceShift(int hwndChart); // System descriptor of the chart window, on which the shift is enabled/disabled.

But you don't need it !

I wasn't talking about the library. But if it's about a library, there's a function:

 // 3.2.1. Функция возвращает состояние автопрокрутки на указанном графике. В случае успеха функция возвращает TRUE, иначе - FALSE.
 bool ServiceGetAutoScroll(int hwndChart); // Системный дескриптор окна графика, с которого возвращается состояние автопрокрутки.
I wrote above about WinUser32.mqh. The control codes are there.