Errors, bugs, questions - page 80

Thank you. and if you can do the same for Time[0]
datetime Time(int ps)
datetime ren[1]={0};

and thanks again. and if you can, you need aPeriod() value like in mql4


and thanks again. and if you can, you need a Period() value like in mql4

a.... what does it do?
a.... what does it do?
Returns the period of the current chart in minutes... on minutes 1, on hour 60 ... on a day of 1,400.

and thanks again. and if you can, you need a Period() value like in mql4

I am just passing by, may God forgive me. gumgum

datetime Time(int i){datetime r[1]; CopyTime(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  Close(int i){double  r[1]; CopyClose(Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  Open (int i){double  r[1]; CopyOpen (Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  High (int i){double  r[1]; CopyHigh (Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  Low  (int i){double  r[1]; CopyLow  (Symbol(),PERIOD_CURRENT,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
datetime Time(int i,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  tf){datetime r[1]; CopyTime(Symbol(),tf,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  Close(int i,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  tf){double  r[1]; CopyClose(Symbol(),tf,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  Open (int i,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  tf){double  r[1]; CopyOpen (Symbol(),tf,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  High (int i,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  tf){double  r[1]; CopyHigh (Symbol(),tf,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
double  Low  (int i,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES  tf){double  r[1]; CopyLow  (Symbol(),tf,i,1,r); return(r[0]);}
Идентификатор   Описание
PERIOD_CURRENT  Текущий период
PERIOD_M1       1 минута
PERIOD_M2       2 минуты
PERIOD_M3       3 минуты
PERIOD_M4       4 минуты
PERIOD_M5       5 минут
PERIOD_M6       6 минут
PERIOD_M10      10 минут
PERIOD_M12      12 минут
PERIOD_M15      15 минут
PERIOD_M20      20 минут
PERIOD_M30      30 минут
PERIOD_H1       1 час
PERIOD_H2       2 часа
PERIOD_H3       3 часа
PERIOD_H4       4 часа
PERIOD_H6       6 часов
PERIOD_H8       8 часов
PERIOD_H12      12 часов
PERIOD_D1       1 день
PERIOD_W1       1 неделя
PERIOD_MN1      1 месяц

Just passing by to help, if you'll forgive me. gumgum

Thank God, I was starting to panic. :)

The call can be made with specifying the period, then the value of the specified TF will be returned,

or without indication of period - respectively the value will be from current one

Print("Close[",12,"]=",Close(12),"   Close[",bar,", M10]=",Close(bar,PERIOD_M10));
by :o)

Just passing by to help, if you'll forgive me. gumgum

hallelujah... now that's a deal))))
hallelujah... now that's a deal)))) I wish I could return it somehow))
How do you return it in what form? string or int
How is it in what form ? string or int