Errors, bugs, questions - page 1610

The site search is broken again...
Alexey Kozitsyn:
The site search is broken again...

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Erroneous compiler behaviour: << and operator<<()

class A { public:
              A *operator<<( int )       { return &this; }
        const A *operator>>( int ) const { return &this; }
void OnStart()
        A a;
        a >> 0 << 0;                       //нет сообщения об ошибке
        a.operator>>( 0 ).operator<<( 0 ); //error: правомерно
what's the difference?
Has the timer in MT4 in the tester always failed to work or is this a bug in the 988 version?
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Has the timer in MT4 in the tester always failed to work or is this a bug in the 988 version?

Erroneous compiler behaviour: << and operator<<()

what's the difference?
on the type of std::cout and std::cin you want to represent?
Andrey Barinov:
It looks like a joint... Slava, please comment if you see it...
Alexey Kozitsyn:
It looks like a joint... Slava, please comment if you see it...
Did you ever have a timer working in your MT4 tester? Surprisingly close :)
Andrey Barinov:
Did you ever have a timer working in your MT4 tester? Surprisingly close :)
I don't remember, that's why I ask... but since it was added to the language, isn't it logical that it should work in the tester as well?
The quad tester only has OnInit, OnTick, OnDeinit. No timer, no chart events, no ticks from foreign characters or even tester Sleep work