Errors, bugs, questions - page 1673

Alexey Viktorov:

Are we talking about the same thing?

Not about the hat. Look at the content below.
Not about the hat. Have a look at the content below.
Listed below are the themes I have created.
Alexey Viktorov:
Listed below are the topics I have created.
I used to have one. Now it's also created by people who are friends. Actually, it's not a problem. I wrote in a silly way.

build 1405. Execution error: invalid function pointer call in 'Script1.mq5' (*).

here is described as having moved to another part of the programme

typedef int (*fn)( int );
class A { public:
        A() { a = &this; ::ArrayResize( f, 1 ); f[ 0 ] = f0; }
        virtual int g0() const  { return 0; }
        static  int f0( int )   { return a.g0(); }
        static const A *a; //упрощено, в реальности это динамический массив
        fn f[];
const A *A::a;
void OnStart()
        A w;
        w.f[ 0 ]( 0 ); //(*)
#import "Script2.ex5"
        int h();
class B { //class B исключить нельзя - используется в основной программе
        static const int b;
const int B::b = h();
#property library
typedef int (*fx)( int, int );
#import "Script3.ex5"   
        int g( int, int );
int hh( fx f )  { return  f( 0, 0 ); }
int  h() export { return  hh( g ); }
#property library
int g( int, int ) export { Print( __FUNCSIG__ ); return 0; }
Ошибки, баги, вопросы
Ошибки, баги, вопросы
  • reviews: 1
Форум трейдеров
I used to have this. Now it's also created by those who are in Friends. Actually, it's not a problem. It's a silly thing to say.
Well, turn off "Show in news" and that's it. I've got them all turned off. The nice thing about this process is that the first people who have "Show in the news" on will be the first ones. So you don't have to scroll through your entire list of friends.
Alexey Viktorov:
Well, turn off "Show in the news" and that's that. I've got everyone turned off. The nice thing about this process is that those with "Show in the news" turned on will be the first. So you don't have to scroll through your entire list of friends.
These "news" are imposed by someone in the form of messages and you have to open them. What to do? Where and what to disable?
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
These "news" messages are imposed by someone and you have to open them. What to do? Where and what to turn off?


Alexey Viktorov:


Thank you, it's sad, what, everyone needs to be logged in, in bulk can't they be turned off? Before your post, I deleted these active "friends" altogether.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Thank you, it's sad, what, everyone has to go in, in bulk can't they be turned off? Before your post, I deleted these active "friends" altogether.
Well, if you didn't deactivate them right away... And the first will be the one who has not disabled this checkbox. So-so it's not such a hassle, always turn off the first and they will change themselves. So to speak, they line up on their own.
Alexey Viktorov:
Well, if you didn't turn it off right away... And the first one will be the one who doesn't have this checkbox turned off. So it won't be such a hassle, you always turn off the first one and they'll switch themselves. So to speak, they line up on their own.
I'm sick of it. Thanks, that's what I'll do, and this show came up today.