Ratings not available on my product? does anybody know why?


So I have to products on the market.

And these products have over 400 downloads so far but nobody has rated them... I tried to see I could rate them with another profile? and that didn't have the option either?

Does anybody know why or how to activate ratings?

Let me know if ratings are available for you?

Jason Kisogloo:

So I have to products on the market.

And these products have over 400 downloads so far but nobody has rated them... I tried to see I could rate them with another profile? and that didn't have the option either?

Does anybody know why or how to activate ratings?

Let me know if ratings are available for you?

Hello Jason 

The product must be purchased or downloaded for a review to be available .

The review process is indeed not straightforward ,like many other things.

In my opinion reviewing or not is solely up to the user ,but,there are some vendors who utilize the review system for "sales verification" and offering additional "gifts" to those who buy their products ,there is no rule or directive -or penalisation- that indicates its not allowed .

Also , when you receive reviews -i'll save you the trouble of asking- they wont be visible right away ,unless they are <=4 stars.

I would also advise not to try and review your own products :) 

Additionally :

If one of your products has reviews ,its free and you start charging for it ,all its reviews are penalised. (they are reinstated after 2 months if you return it to being free)

If you increase your purchase options for a product ,(ex : from 19.20$/month you add a buy out and a new rental price ,but the previous option [1 month] is no longer present) your reviews will be penalised for an unknown amount of time.

Lorentzos Roussos:

Hello Jason 

The product must be purchased or downloaded for a review to be available .

The review process is indeed not straightforward ,like many other things.

In my opinion reviewing or not is solely up to the user ,but,there are some vendors who utilize the review system for "sales verification" and offering additional "gifts" to those who buy their products ,there is no rule or directive -or penalisation- that indicates its not allowed .

Also , when you receive reviews -i'll save you the trouble of asking- they wont be visible right away ,unless they are <=4 stars.

I would also advise not to try and review your own products :) 

Additionally :

If one of your products has reviews ,its free and you start charging for it ,all its reviews are penalised. (they are reinstated after 2 months if you return it to being free)

If you increase your purchase options for a product ,(ex : from 19.20$/month you add a buy out and a new rental price ,but the previous option [1 month] is no longer present) your reviews will be penalised for an unknown amount of time.

Wow so complicated... So free versions they can't review if they download? I have had people rent does that mean they can't review it they have to completely purchase it?

Jason Kisogloo:

Wow so complicated... So free versions they can't review if they download? I have had people rent does that mean they can't review it they have to completely purchase it?

Nono ,perhaps i was not very meticulous in explaining.

If they download a free product , they can review it.

If they rent or buy a product ,they can review it.

the rest of the answer was concerning you (the vendor)

For users its real simple (if they can find how to review products)

Ok so free products they should be able to review? Strange so I have had over 400 downloads of free version an no reviews... so it must mean people don’t know how to review? I know I surely don’t? 
Jason Kisogloo:
Ok so free products they should be able to review? Strange so I have had over 400 downloads of free version an no reviews... so it must mean people don’t know how to review? I know I surely don’t? 

Yes they could be able to ,not should.

-Also ,dont try to review your own products ,like  ,ever

Lorentzos Roussos:

Yes they could be able to ,not should.

-Also ,dont try to review your own products ,like  ,ever

Don’t worry I won’t? Curious though Why what happens if you do? 
Jason Kisogloo:
Don’t worry I won’t? Curious though Why what happens if you do? 

You cant ,i meant via secondary accounts -which is also not allowed-

Download a free tool from a fellow vendor to see what your review options are ,the system wont show you anything for your own stuff.

Lorentzos Roussos:

You cant ,i meant via secondary accounts -which is also not allowed-

Download a free tool from a fellow vendor to see what your review options are ,the system wont show you anything for your own stuff.

Thanks you been very helpful ;) 

By the way checked your video of your EA, it must have taken you forever to build that interface... good job ;) are you good with neural networks and machine learning? I would like to build into my ea a machine learning algo that learns and changes indicator biases as it learns for best results for market climate at time... just allot of the maths in neural networks I struggle to absorb... and some of it goes over top of my head ;) 
Jason Kisogloo:
Ok so free products they should be able to review? Strange so I have had over 400 downloads of free version an no reviews... so it must mean people don’t know how to review? I know I surely don’t? 

 Well, we need to distinguish between 'free' and a 'trial'.  You have enjoyed 400 trial downloads and the users of trial downloads cannot leave a review.  If you offer a full version of your product for $0, that is free.

Jason Kisogloo:
Thanks you been very helpful ;) 

By the way checked your video of your EA, it must have taken you forever to build that interface... good job ;) are you good with neural networks and machine learning? I would like to build into my ea a machine learning algo that learns and changes indicator biases as it learns for best results for market climate at time... just allot of the maths in neural networks I struggle to absorb... and some of it goes over top of my head ;) 

Thank you , you will learn more as you operate within this community.

The EA you are referring to is not Self Optimizing . 

The GUI takes less time to construct with each publication.

Ideally ,an editor -with this style- would be the fastest means of deployment..

Neural Nets are not that complicated . How they are used in the EA would be more important (im saying would because i have not done that yet either)