Gotta fix product review system .Theres plenty of suggestions


I know what this is ,im not going to ask why reviews dissapeared.

Im just going to state your review fraud system needs revision.

Its not impossible that a client is impressed by the sharpness and quality of a user interface and places a review fairly quickly after purchase.

It does not mean that i told them to place a review or paid them.

If you discount these reviews then i appeal for the discount of solicited reviews as well which are 100% incited by vendors ,and not in a gray area.

You follow my logic ? 

If you are willing to penalise reviews which you think are in the gray area (between being real  or the seller doing something for the client to post a review so fast) then,
you should be punishing outright the reviews that are not in this gray area and are 100% incited by the seller.

While you are at it explain how the product receives one new review but 6 reviews are penalised.

Im afraid this is quickly devolving into a joke.

There are plenty of suggestions for the improvement of your review systems ,please consider them.


I would also like to compare 2 cases .There is no advertisement involved.

A fair prelude :

for Case 1 the seller has their name crossed out ,i dont know if this means they are banned from their forum or from selling ,but the review and the products are still available.

for Case 1 its a 4 star review maybe this plays a factor .But if it does what if someone hires 100 people to leave 4 star reviews.Do they pass the filter ? (4 star reviews are not bad actually)

Case 1 :

Case 2 : 

Shouldn't these reviews be treated equally ? They are both definately 1 day old at most .

One is hidden ,the other is allowed.

One counts ,the other one does not.

If it is about the 4 stars (assuming case 2 has 5 stars as we cant actually see it) then you have a possible crack in your system.(possible 4 star review spammers,4 stars is not bad)

(that would also imply negative reviews count immediately ,thats very problematic)

Thank you.