Guys, is it polite to say "share your algorithm with me so I can fight poverty and climate change which are urgent"? - page 7


Damn, have you seen these photos from the polar vortex in USA where even some sharks got freezed until death, crazy!?

Icham Aidibe:

Damn, have you seen these photos from the polar vortex in USA where even some sharks got freezed until death, crazy!?

OMG, I know crazy things are happening but I didn't know that, thank you.
Here are the poor sharks. It's so sad.
Felipe Ponce Aragon:
#1 No, not by me. If you check dates of the last messages, you'll see that I didn't talk yesterday, everyone else did it and I'm only replying.

#2 Gravity and void generation already exists, it just needs to be mass-produced. You know this is true because... You didn't know it exists, right? So yes, it needs to be massified.
Gravity and void is the method to produce electricity from nothing. No sun, wind, gas, carbon, nothing. It's the most efficient thing and it's a reality.

#3 Electric cars now have a problem: they're too expensive because batteries are too expensive (read the news, Tesla's Model 3 now has a demand problem). So the paint-type-by-layers battery has to mass-produced. Again, I know you didn't know it exists. It's very cheap and will solve the problem.

#4 And yes, it's sad that pollution is killing us slowly. But don't worry, climate change will kill us much faster so we won't be a problem for Earth, and the weather will eventually fix itself.

Of course i know it exists we have the Dutch inventor Sjack Abeling who has invented it after Bessler.

You are way too fast with your assumptions, i have researched it myself for many years in the past.

The batteries have to be either hot swap-able, or removed entirely where power is supplied by inductive loops in the road.

Or the new technology has to be powerful enough to directly drive the motor, this one is of course preferred, but will not be implemented due to 'economic' reasons.

Which are by the way the same reasons that these technologies are being held back wherever possible. 

Felipe Ponce Aragon:


Thank you. BTW, Alexandria´s Project is only a Project, it may be approved and the US government would solve the problema, but only in the USA. I would like to help the rest of the world. There are solar companies who aren't selling enough, and many other non-heating techonologies that simply need more money to work out. Thnx.

AOC is just Al Gore's "gimme your money or we'll all die" in 2006 all over again. Another attempt to steal American taxpayers' money.


AOC is just Al Gore's "gimme your money or we'll all die" in 2006 all over again. Another attempt to steal American taxpayers' money.

The UN's general Secretary and scientist and government delegates from 180 countries including the USA, who form the UN's IPCC, officially disagree with you. But ok, I respect your opinion.
Felipe Ponce Aragon:
The UN's general Secretary and scientist and government delegates from 180 countries including the USA, who form the UN's IPCC, officially disagree with you. But ok, I respect your opinion.

"The mafia is immortal". Don't believe the hype or the "officials", especially the UN commies.

Climate change is a natural phenomenon. It exists outside of human existence or human activity. The ice core samples research clearly shows the average grand cycle of temperature anomaly, as well as CO2 concentration, is approx. 130.000 years. We may be entering the peak of the anomaly, or the peak may as well be behind us. Human-assisted global warming is junk science.

Climate and Atmospheric History of the Past 420,000 Years from the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica

(PDF) Climate and Atmospheric History of the Past 420,000 Years from the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica
(PDF) Climate and Atmospheric History of the Past 420,000 Years from the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica
  • 1999.06.03
  • University Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1
... 3042 m water depth) ( Zhang et al., 2013); and the Eastern subtropical South Atlantic in Angola Basin (GeoB 1016-3, 11.77⁰S, 11.68⁰W, 3410 m water depth (Andersen et al., 1999)); map pro- vided in Supplementary Fig. S1. Given atmospheric pCO 2 variations from 180 to 287 ppm over the last 250 ka (Petit et al., 1999), surface...

"The mafia is immortal". Don't believe the hype or the "officials", especially the UN commies.

Climate change is a natural phenomenon. It exists outside of human existence or human activity. The ice core samples research clearly shows the average grand cycle of temperature anomaly, as well as CO2 concentration, is approx. 130.000 years. We may be entering the peak of the anomaly, or the peak may as well be behind us. Human-assisted global warming is junk science.

Climate and Atmospheric History of the Past 420,000 Years from the Vostok Ice Core, Antarctica

Ok, thanks.

Felipe you have really good intentions. But unfortunately, humans today are not sympathetic like that.

The very people you help today, will betray you one way or another--tomorrow.

Humans are the vilest species on earth.

This is why you can't make the world a better place by helping other humans.

But if you see things mathematically, you can save nature/environment by controlling humans only. Like forced-family-planning, reclaiming forest lands, imposing stricter laws etc.

For this, political route is the only way.

Felipe Ponce Aragon:
In Forex, sharing an algorithm is a bad idea... Most of the times.

All rule has a good exception that won't hurt anyone.

This is actually not true.

I was reading some journals where researchers  concluded that:

If the system really has edge, it will always keep working.

Infact, it will work better if you share with more people.

because, when you enter a buy trade, you have more buyers to back you up, on that trade.

More buyers= stronger bullish inclination

Most people got it wrong!

They thing sharing their holy-grail is deadly, but its actually totally opposite.

Some systems if they don't have true edge, will crash even after 3/4years of profitable trading. I've personally seen such  systems on MyFXBook.

After 5years of profit making, suddenly market changes its nature & their optimized systems no longer works.