Kolachi Method of Trading - page 78



Another three trades in aussie. All hit the TPs resulting in +33 pips (10+11+12). I wont be posting more charts today although will keep trading london and early NY may be.

Todays pips till now: +73 pips


Kent,Here is the todays trade on 5M swissy. I placed three trades with a TP of 10 pips. Two of them are already hit and one should go down soon, hopefully. Therefore, this 5M trade gives me +30 pips if third is hit too else +20 pips. I will give you update on the third one. kolachi


Thanks a lot for your time/posts with the actual trade pics. From what I see on the initial glance, I understand the MAs are from high to low (lowest is the 5LWMA. But Can you explain why you had 3 entries? Can you explain those entries with your entry rules?

I apprecite your help and posts again.

Kent, Another three trades in aussie. All hit the TPs resulting in +33 pips (10+11+12). I wont be posting more charts today although will keep trading london and early NY may be. Todays pips till now: +73 pips kolachi

Thanks again. I see only one trade (unless you have mutliple trades at the same price). If you could explain these trades with your entry rules, it will help us to see more clearly how you see them.

Thanks again


I was trying to compare/refer to the post/pic in Post #748 where you have explained the entry based on slope change of 5 LWMA. And your recent pics/posts dont use that rules. Am I correct?

So can you be more specific in what rules you entered these recent trades? Are they by the dispersioin of expansion of all the MAs in sequence? So You have 2 type of entries? Which one is mostly used and which is less risky etc...

Thanks again for your time/patience in explaining these techniques.


Very interesting stuff, thanks for sharing.


Yes, I place multiple entires as it makes it easy for me to close each trade individually or I let them hit TP. If I see a good opportunity then I place three four trades at one time else I place one and wait to watch the action of market. Then I decide to add or not accordingly. Many times you will see entry at same place but exits at different prices.

Regarding entries, KM has two types of entries: pullback and repulsion entries. My entries yesterday were mostly repulsion based on ema55. Please note that after looking at same emas for more than 4-5 years, I subsconsciously trade so do not enter precisely. I follow kolachi rules in broader terms. Rules are for new drivers who are learning driving but an experienced driver follows same rules with a broader perspective. He may sometimes stretch rules based on experience.

However, when I teach newbies, I tell them to follow rules till they are confident enough to decide the direction and entry exits.

Thanks again. I see only one trade (unless you have mutliple trades at the same price). If you could explain these trades with your entry rules, it will help us to see more clearly how you see them. Thanks againP.S.I was trying to compare/refer to the post/pic in Post #748 where you have explained the entry based on slope change of 5 LWMA. And your recent pics/posts dont use that rules. Am I correct?So can you be more specific in what rules you entered these recent trades? Are they by the dispersioin of expansion of all the MAs in sequence? So You have 2 type of entries? Which one is mostly used and which is less risky etc...Thanks again for your time/patience in explaining these techniques.

Here is todays charts of usdchf short trades. In htis hourly chart, we see that wma5 has crossed ema21 but ema55 is ahead. rules of Km say that ema55 is strong resistance and mostly does not allow wma5 to cross through in first attempt. I placed short based on this rules and here is the result.

Let me explain my trades on this chart: I placed one trade at ema55 and then closed it after few pips fearing upward move as candle clsoed as doji which means indecision. Next 9 trades I placed when I saw scope of move down as ema21 was being tested. I closed one trade at +7 pips to just reduce the load. One trade was hit at TP of 10 pips. I removed take profit and let the trades run as chances were better. So few trades hit Tp at +30 pips and others were closed manually.

Total pips in usdchf today: 200+ pips



Here is the chart of audusd long trades on 5M TF, I placed 7 trades and all hit TP resulting in +70 pips.

The reason for placing trades was Kolachi Dispersion on 5M (though entry was late) but higher charts were quite bullish to support the decision. I will post higher chart in next post.

Todays pips: +300 pips roughly.



This is 3H chart which shows that price went upwards through wma5. Prior to move up the slope of wma5 was down so this move was change in slope but not yet confirmed. The confirmation for move up was coming from hammer.



thank you for ur strategy, ill give a try

Here is todays charts of usdchf short trades. In htis hourly chart, we see that wma5 has crossed ema21 but ema55 is ahead. rules of Km say that ema55 is strong resistance and mostly does not allow wma5 to cross through in first attempt. I placed short based on this rules and here is the result.Let me explain my trades on this chart: I placed one trade at ema55 and then closed it after few pips fearing upward move as candle clsoed as doji which means indecision. Next 9 trades I placed when I saw scope of move down as ema21 was being tested. I closed one trade at +7 pips to just reduce the load. One trade was hit at TP of 10 pips. I removed take profit and let the trades run as chances were better. So few trades hit Tp at +30 pips and others were closed manually.Total pips in usdchf today: 200+ pipsDear Mr Kolachi,I believe that we had to leave these trades until the next change of slope of 5WMA. What do you think? Regardskolachi