"No loss" recovery hedging system - page 10


Do you sell it as well or is it possible to share somehow?

I get the feeling that you are confident about it and you are not a developer, if i understand correctly so you don't look to profit 

Yes, I am confident but I can not share it according to the MQL5 licensing method, I use it in real market and result is as un backtest.
Felipe Ponce Aragon: Yes, I am confident but I can not share it according to the MQL5 licensing method, I use it in real market and result is as un backtest.

Please do not spread misinformation!

You know very well that I helped do many of those back-tests (and analysed them for you) and that the results were very misleading and fallible when one looked at them more closely. The analysis proved that the so called "recovery" was very unreliable and caused great degradation of the primary strategy, especially when in real live trading situations!

Obviously, you are free to "believe" otherwise, but it is irresponsible to lead others onto such a dangerous path!

Fernando Carreiro:

Please do not spread misinformation!

You know very well that I did many of those back-tests (and analysed them) for you and that the results were very misleading and fallible when one looked at them more closely. The analysis proved that the so called "recovery" was very unreliable and caused great degradation of the primary strategy, especially when in real live trading situations!

Obviously, you are free to "believe" otherwise, but it is irresponsible to lead others onto such a dangerous path!

Dear Fernando,

Nice to hear from you. For this specific EA I am careful with capital management considering possible widening of spreads during weekend. Other than that, the backtests I ran with your data showed only profit. You can call it unreliable or whatever, regardless if how we name it, the backtests ans real trades are exactly as I described. I'm not misleading in any way.
General note: I'm not promoting this EA in any way.
Felipe Ponce Aragon:
General note: I'm not promoting this EA in any way.

I noticed that Mr.Aragon and i trust that you commented to help not to promote a product 

Have you been using this EA on live market for a long time?

Felipe Ponce Aragon:
Dear Fernando,

Nice to hear from you. For this specific EA I am careful with capital management considering possible widening of spreads during weekend. Other than that, the backtests I ran with your data showed only profit. You can call it unreliable or whatever, regardless if how we name it, the backtests ans real trades are exactly as I described. I'm not misleading in any way.
Tip for Fernando: your data is from a broker with a different time zone than mine. My real trades are the same than backtests with my broker, and the backtests with my broker are better than with yours. That may be an explanation. And I repeat, I'm not promoting or spreading.

I noticed that Mr.Aragon and i trust that you commented to help not to promote a product 

Have you been using this EA on live market for a long time?

At various periods of the last 2 years, and the current period I don't remember now when it started, but it was several months ago. Since the seller got banned and future activations were cancelled, I plan to use it permanently until I lose the license in my computer. : (
Felipe Ponce Aragon: Nice to hear from you. For this specific EA I am careful with capital management considering possible widening of spreads during weekend. Other than that, the backtests I ran with your data showed only profit. You can call it unreliable or whatever, regardless if how we name it, the backtests ans real trades are exactly as I described. I'm not misleading in any way.

As I stated in all the analysis that I supplied to you, just because a back-test shows profit, does not mean that it will do so in the "real world". There are hundreds (or thousands) of EAs that show profitable back-tests, yet fail miserably when live.

The reports I detailed out for you, showed all those pitfalls and problems that the so called "recovery" would cause. In fact those very suspicions were reflected on the real trade data that you supplied, and the proof was that your real life results were not so profitable at all (no matter how you tried to justify the differences). You may defend your position as you did at the time, by saying that it was the result of you changing parameters during the course of its runs, but the analysis showed otherwise.

I was reverse engineering it for you, because you only have a closed-source version that is limited to account and broker and will break if major builds are released. So, if it is so profitable, why did you stop working on it and lose interest. In fact you ceased all contact, even though I was providing you with valuable data and insight and offering to code it for free!

Given the well versed knowledge I have of how your various EAs work, and given my experience in both coding and trading, I can emphatically state that they are NOT reliable and that claiming otherwise is misleading.

Felipe Ponce AragonTip for Fernando: your data is from a broker with a different time zone than mine. My real trades are the same than backtests with my broker, and the backtests with my broker are better than with yours. That may be an explanation. And I repeat, I'm not promoting or spreading.
Tip for Felipe: Remember that you provided me with guest access to YOUR broker, YOUR account and YOUR time-zone and that you carried out the back-tests on YOUR VPS under my instructions! So, please do not try to find excuses!

I will however refrain from any more comments on this matter, as those that believe in "Recovey" will not change their minds no matter how much proof is supplied.

It is useless of me trying to persuade you! You will just have to learn it the hard way on your own and with your well earned money thrown out the window. Only then will you know!