Need help indentifying indicator - page 34


MP -- aw shucks, I havent even made guru yet -- Messiah is a long way off !

well walander, you know my claims and you know ive proven them repeatedly on this site and every other that doubts.

while your math is close, remember that is what i produce in a day, but the fund has to give to those who come first, which is not me (remember "give unto caeser that which is caesers" a little while back in the posting) cause they happen to be the ones with the money.

as far as my average posting, its prob higher than 5 once i get going, simply because i can set 10 trades and just let them come into profit by themselves --- its REALLY not a big deal although it does take some learning !

and absolutely NO messiah complex here --- I would rather be the teacher Hillel who started the whole thing---- he never got crucified and lived to a ripe old age!

What I do wonder about though, since youre so ready to attack a proven asset in the forex world, is whether or not you have any particular AGENDA that may COST the newbs for the information you share --- if so, that would certainly explain your hatred of me giving it away for free !

enjoy and trade well


MP Claims 350 pips a day

X that by 1 lot, and you're a millionaire in a couple of months.

Include the facts he supposedly runs a hedge fund with a average post per day rating of 5+

He must be the biggest pile of shit here- it's your choice to listen to him- he thinks he's a messiah.

I know you like to mislead people- and I can prove that.

The other thing I can prove, is that you've NEVER proven your claims.


well walander, you know my claims and you know ive proven them repeatedly on this site and every other that doubts.

while your math is close, remember that is what i produce in a day, but the fund has to give to those who come first, which is not me (remember "give unto caeser that which is caesers" a little while back in the posting) cause they happen to be the ones with the money.

as far as my average posting, its prob higher than 5 once i get going, simply because i can set 10 trades and just let them come into profit by themselves --- its REALLY not a big deal although it does take some learning !

and absolutely NO messiah complex here --- I would rather be the teacher Hillel who started the whole thing---- he never got crucified and lived to a ripe old age!

What I do wonder about though, since youre so ready to attack a proven asset in the forex world, is whether or not you have any particular AGENDA that may COST the newbs for the information you share --- if so, that would certainly explain your hatred of me giving it away for free !

enjoy and trade well


MP -- fortunately, this is exactly what i expected !

my claims have been proven a number of times, and that is known by all who partook in the last donnybrook around here and as far as misleading people, my alleged mind requires a bit of prodding on that subject to see where you wish to go !

Youve all accused me of having some commercial interest and using teaching as a simple method of "hooking" a newb, yet NO ONE has ever come forth to verify that silly claim.

If you choose to rehash what happened years ago in a yet still not understood situation involving a trading loss between me personally and another, understand that i have offered him relief a number of times and that the original situation has still never been satisfactorally addressed and explained.

THEN was a long time ago and NOW is a whole different ballgame and there is absolutely NO BLEMISH on my record with NOTHING but freely offered and given information, education and personal assistance when asked for and needed.

As I stated, I would rather be Hillel then the crucified prophet Jesus --- I would rather teach slowly and reveal truths, but of course when i came back here i expected this greeting and am fully prepared for what shall come forward.

Fortunately, the more you blow smoke, the more come to my side and actually learn to trade, and the higher goes the membership of any site Im at (can you bring over 300 K people in one week ?)

enjoy and trade well


I know you like to mislead people- and I can prove that.

The other thing I can prove, is that you've NEVER proven your claims.


You're banned from multiple forums for a reason- I don't need to "Rehash" anything to prove that.

The other thing is, you don't get BANNED from MULTIPLE forums for no apparent reason, its quite obvious the reason is uniform across each.

You've continued your claim of 350 pips a day,which is nothing more than a wishful statement- this claim has NEVER been proven. or verified by anyone.

You've also continued your unwanted rants about how perfect your methodology is. You seem like a perfect fit for a Scientology- crazy, egotistical, and methodical.

You pray on desperate people- and guess what? Still no proof of your method ANYWHERE.

What I get from you, is nothing more than what you can derive from a serial killer. A profile of insanity- and an image of a god.

and the higher goes the membership of any site Im at (can you bring over 300 K people in one week ?)- look, another one of you claims to build some sort of falsified credential. Can you even prove this one along with a myriad of you other claims MR. Hedge Fund? You know, the one you could never even produce a name for? How pathetic.

my claims have been proven a number of times, and that is known by all who partook in the last donnybrook around here and as far as misleading people, my alleged mind requires a bit of prodding on that subject to see where you wish to go !

Youve all accused me of having some commercial interest and using teaching as a simple method of "hooking" a newb, yet NO ONE has ever come forth to verify that silly claim.

If you choose to rehash what happened years ago in a yet still not understood situation involving a trading loss between me personally and another, understand that i have offered him relief a number of times and that the original situation has still never been satisfactorally addressed and explained.

THEN was a long time ago and NOW is a whole different ballgame and there is absolutely NO BLEMISH on my record with NOTHING but freely offered and given information, education and personal assistance when asked for and needed.

As I stated, I would rather be Hillel then the crucified prophet Jesus --- I would rather teach slowly and reveal truths, but of course when i came back here i expected this greeting and am fully prepared for what shall come forward.

Fortunately, the more you blow smoke, the more come to my side and actually learn to trade, and the higher goes the membership of any site Im at (can you bring over 300 K people in one week ?)

enjoy and trade well


MP -- this is becoming a road trip and taking away from any help i can offer

I really get under your craw, dont I ?

You're banned from multiple forums for a reason- I don't need to "Rehash" anything to prove that.

Im banned because Im not one who likes to listen to people who dont have a clue as to what they speak of, giving forth advice that is incorrect and I step on many a toe and many of those toes belong to well established people on the site --- guess who gets banned.

I DONT get banned for what i say or what i prove !

The other thing is, you don't get BANNED from MULTIPLE forums for no apparent reason, its quite obvious the reason is uniform across each.

PRECISELY and Ive outlined the reason above. Additionally, Ive stepped on many a toe that is offering PAID information, and that is not liked much either !

You've continued your claim of 350 pips a day,which is nothing more than a wishful statement- this claim has NEVER been proven. or verified by anyone.

I presented my statements on THIS SITE a few times --- it was there at that time and i will do so this time also !

You've also continued your unwanted rants about how perfect your methodology is. You seem like a perfect fit for a Scientology- crazy, egotistical, and methodical.

I think i have to accept all three of those, although scientology is best viewed as a "group" that takes care of its own, essentially like the Mormons and is nothing ive ever been involved in.

I am crazy like a fox, have a VERY healthy and happy ego with tremendous drive which places me where i am now and am nothing BUT methodical --- NOTHING wrong with any of those traits if one is interested in success !

NOWHERE have i ever said that my method is perfect if only that I HAVE NO METHOD per se --- what i have is an understanding of when, where and what the market is doing, no different than any other successful trader. I use VARYING METHODS, dependent totally on how the market is acting and i can do that because i am not LOCKED into doing my trading just one way,using just some "system !"

You pray on desperate people- and guess what? Still no proof of your method ANYWHERE.

Ive prayed WITH some desperate people, but never have i PREYED on them --- for years now, you and your cohorts have accused me of preying on newbs, and yet after spending close to a year teaching on my site, kindly show me ONE PERSON who will state i ever used them for my own purposes --- in fact, you will find nothing but praise from those who understood along with many thanks, while one or two grumble because i didnt offer them a get rich quick scheme.

What I get from you, is nothing more than what you can derive from a serial killer. A profile of insanity- and an image of a god.

Thought we had settled that G-D thing already --- you want a G-D, go find someone aside from me !

and the higher goes the membership of any site Im at (can you bring over 300 K people in one week ?)- look, another one of you claims to build some sort of falsified credential. Can you even prove this one along with a myriad of you other claims

I imagine your administrator noticed the increase in viewers and if i could find my old stuff here, you could count the readership also --- that might satisfy you, huh ?

MR. Hedge Fund? You know, the one you could never even produce a name for? How pathetic.

<span style="color: Blue"]While I had long ago gotten permission from the members of the fund to release daily statements of my trading, no one has yet agreed to the release of its name --- highly possible that may happen though, so keep reminding me.

[COLOR="Blue;">BUT i will say this, since you know my name you should have no problems referencing the name of at least one of my corporations which just may be the right one --- why not just do that ?

enjoy and trade well



I love how you explain your "readership" as something completely hypothetical and you assume that you're "very sure" that the admins notice readership.

Doesn't that just mean - YOU HAVE NO PROOF?

Guess what, same old story. Guess what Mike- you look up Mike Parker on google, first thing comes up is a story teller, you seem like a good one?

All your stories are old- 6 members on this forum challenged you to a trading tournament, and guess what you did? Nothing - statements mean nothing unless their live.

Thanks Mike- a year later and you're still just as stupid. Join the league of Bongo and Pava. MP Parker you are truly the king of hot air.

I really get under your craw, dont I ?

<span style="color: Blue"]While I had long ago gotten permission from the members of the fund to release daily statements of my trading, no one has yet agreed to the release of its name --- highly possible that may happen though, so keep reminding me.

[COLOR="Blue;">BUT i will say this, since you know my name you should have no problems referencing the name of at least one of my corporations which just may be the right one --- why not just do that ?

enjoy and trade well



So you still have no solid proof of readership numbers. Thanks again for your story.

You still havne't defeated a single professional trader on this forum, i myself is included to your challenge.

and you continually claim you have a finance background- which again has no proof.

Who's full of stories Mike? Go back into your hole.

Well, since you have added NOTHING to the present thread, and this conversation doesnt either (although in a few days the word will spread and the membership will start increasing as it always does) lets call it a POINT MADE/POINT REJECTED and leave it at that.

Any more butting into a thread like this one with NO OPINION pertaining to what is being discussed is sorta like having a pig roast where all thats left to cook is the oink !

enjoy and trade well

later dude


Mp -- last feeding the troll and thats it

I love how you explain your "readership" as something completely hypothetical and you assume that you're "very sure" that the admins notice readership.

Tell ya what, every admin Ive ever known notices readership because more simply is better for advertising, site placement and all the financial dealings behind the running of a successful site. Doubtful its any different here !

When i went over to the site Im presently teaching at, the admin definitely noticed the number of people who joined and was quite happy about the numbers !

Doesn't that just mean - YOU HAVE NO PROOF?

Guess what, same old story. Guess what Mike- you look up Mike Parker on google, first thing comes up is a story teller, you seem like a good one?

actually, i do go on with stories quite a lot for fun and entertainment in a dour financial world, just that when i show my statements I get swamped with people who want to hear the truth and people like you continue to scream at them for the problems they will run into with my teachings --- of course, after a year of making profits and not problems, your words RING HOLLOW !

All your stories are old- 6 members on this forum challenged you to a trading tournament, and guess what you did? Nothing - statements mean nothing unless their live.

OH NOW WALLY --- I CHALLANGED ONE PARTICULAR MEMBER and for two weeks NO ONE CAME NEAR THE CHALLENGE for the running in the opposite direction they took --- after that time, your few members decided to attempt and I figured that there was now a brass monkey wrench thrown into the works, but more importantly, the one who I originally challenged NEVER joined in --- lets try NOT to confuse the facts with your form "story telling !"

Thanks Mike- a year later and you're still just as stupid. Join the league of Bongo and Pava. MP Parker you are truly the king of hot air.

Well, since you have added NOTHING to the present thread, and this conversation doesnt either (although in a few days the word will spread and the membership will start increasing as it always does) lets call it a POINT MADE/POINT REJECTED and leave it at that.

Any more butting into a thread like this one with NO OPINION pertaining to what is being discussed is sorta like having a pig roast where all thats left to cook is the oink !

Im terribly sorry that youve met a better trader than you are, but you must learn to be a man about it and accept the truth of what is, as you had to accept the truth that there were better students and athletes at your school ---- understand that I know and fully accept that there are better than I ---- I can live with it with no problem because money worries are a thing of the past and I know Im spreading information that will make it so for others also. Given those graces, whats to not like or be envious of !

enjoy and trade well

later dude



Mp -- may as well !


So you still have no solid proof of readership numbers. Thanks again for your story.

your ADMIN has them --- up to him to release as my last time around this site seems to have been deleted --- if its been deleted, then i cannot show readership, can I --- if it HASNT been deleted, lets us then find it and the numbers should be there.

You still havne't defeated a single professional trader on this forum, i myself is included to your challenge.

I never came to defeat but to simply put forth my ideas --- I didnt raise a GANG but you did and I gave them two weeks to answer my challenge --- as you will see from my statements, i HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO !

and you continually claim you have a finance background- which again has no proof.

OH NO WAY --- THATS A BALD FACED LIE ---- Im proud of NEVER having had a financial background, save investing and trading for a long time in the stock market, but to me a "background" means an MBA and thank G-D I never went there !

Who's full of stories Mike? Go back into your hole.

Im providing statements from three periods this past year -- beginning, middle and the present. At this moment I have to wait for FXCM englands servers to spool up so i can get Novembers , but heres a few to help settle the waters even though im fully aware youre gonna figure something negative to say !

Years ago there was a hair commercial whose main line was "please dont hate me because Im beautiful !" and I simply ask that you "please dont hate me because Im very good !"

Enjoy and trade well



Posting a bunch of statements proves nothing to me, once again you quite obviously forgot that I don't care unless their live.

Would you like to give me a couple hours to copy and paste someone's pictures too?

If we're here to copy and paste pictures, I suggest you buy a picture book- fitting for your intellect.

Matter of fact- You still don't have a MT4 Live updater and or FXBook? I wonder why.

Im providing statements from three periods this past year -- beginning, middle and the present. At this moment I have to wait for FXCM englands servers to spool up so i can get Novembers , but heres a few to help settle the waters even though im fully aware youre gonna figure something negative to say !

Years ago there was a hair commercial whose main line was "please dont hate me because Im beautiful !" and I simply ask that you "please dont hate me because Im very good !"

Enjoy and trade well
