Financial transactions are prohibited - page 3


Tomorrow afternoon we will open up the possibility of changing passwords.

Sorry for the inconvenience, please.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Tomorrow afternoon we'll open up the possibility of changing passwords.

Sorry for the inconvenience, please.

Are you going to remove the lockout too? Or is it just selfies and stuff again?

To be honest, I'm getting sick of it. If you again demand a photo of documents or other photos - I'll probably have to leave this wonderful site. :(

Vyacheslav Ivanov:

Are you going to remove that blocking too? Or is it just selfies and stuff again?

To be honest, I'm fed up with it. If you again demand photos of documents or other photos - I'll probably have to leave this wonderful site. :(

Well, if you have nothing to lose except your chains, you might as well leave.
Vyacheslav Ivanov:

Are you going to remove that blocking too? Or is it just selfies and stuff again?

To be honest, I'm fed up with it. If you again require photos of documents or other photos - I'll probably have to leave this wonderful site. :(

You've been making waves all day today for nothing.

How often do you get blocked like this? Every day, every week, every month, or just a couple of times?

for me, if it's a question of the safety of my finances, then let it be blocked once a year - one or two days of inconvenience can easily be endured.

is it hard for you to send a passport photo in front of the website?

or what's the problem?

I've been reading your indignation all day today, and I can't understand you.

if only you had money that you do not know where and who withdrew it - but it is good that there was a transaction block and the reason was explained - and it is good that the resource is so secure.

If financial transactions had not been blocked but allowed to be withdrawn. What a ruckus that would have been.

I just don't like it when people decide for me! Did anyone ask me if I needed it or not?

They have decided for me that my finances are in danger and are now making demands.

The way I see it: warn me that there is danger, advise me how to avoid problems and that's it. It's up to me to listen to it or not.

I've been through this on another site. Constantly coming up with innovations and you are obliged to participate in everything. The worrying thing is the trend. Constantly getting signed up for something.

When they demanded vendor status, did someone ask me if I needed it or not? I don't sell anything! I only do work. Well, let me not have a nice green checkmark, let the customers know that I have not confirmed the status. Let me decide. But you don't! They said I have to and that's it! Do you think this is normal?

Alexander Bereznyak:
If you have nothing to lose but your chains, you can leave.

How do you have nothing to lose? And the reputation on the site, the reviews. I've been here for 3 years. You want to give it all up?

That's how they speculate, that's how they force you :((


Three years you've been sitting there, in that time this is the first time you've been blocked.

If there is a suspicion that finances are in danger, there is no time to warn.

If the money was swiped, I can't even imagine how you would talk.


First of all, I don't keep money here :)

Secondly, it's not the first one :(

But that's not what we're talking about now. I have nothing against security locking. I'm against what's required to remove it.

For example I see it this way: you are in danger and your account is blocked, you get an email asking you to change your password. You change your password and they unlock it.

This is not how it works. You need photos and documents to unlock an account. It seems that all this story was invented for this purpose.

To admins: Remove this lock and I will change the password. I will not provide any more copies of documents.

Vyacheslav Ivanov:

I will not provide any more copies of documents.

Don't be a stranger. Let us know how things are going with your unlocking. We'd be interested to know in six months, for example, that you still haven't been unblocked.

Just be consistent. You say you won't give anything more to the MC usurpers, you keep your word.

Strange, I've been on the site since it opened, not a single blockage in all that time.