Trading System by Xard777 - page 354


The hitting the target only comes after you have finished your 3 to 4yr apprenticeship in Forex.

Those that stay the course rake in the Pip$.



One day I hope I become successful in forex. I keep looking to this thread to guide me in the right direction.



See image...



See image...


Hello Xard.


Studying image. Thank you.


Can you upload the 2 strength indicators you are using , excel and one below

 If you can upload the template on the top right, this will be fabulous. (I know I'm pushing my luck)


Many thanks.



Hello Xard.


Studying image. Thank you.


Can you upload the 2 strength indicators you are using , excel and one below

Many thanks.


Will upload the excel version at end of month, here is the other strength indy.


All the best 



Will upload the excel version at end of month, here is the other strength indy.


All the best 


Many, Many thanks for your generosity.



Many, Many thanks for your generosity.


Here you can see Price breaking the Magenta Squeeze and continuing UP on its current Trend.

The LeaderBoard GBP hit +750 as my Daily targets were hit and I was out just as it was starting to come back down.

As you see Price is above the Trend line so you would only consider a BUY trade today and should price go down and the candles turn Gray then you would simply stay out the market until either it pushes back up as Blue candles or goes down below the Trend line in which case your BIAS would change from BUYING to SELLING and you would look for SELL trades when the candles turn Gold color

I will upload my complete setup at the end of the month but for now here is a screenshot for your perusal.



ma si Tratta di CHIUDERE candela? cioè, da confermare


perché GBPUSD sulla mia tabella è diversa dalla tua ??

gbp.PNG  122 kb

perché GBPUSD sulla mia tabella è diversa dalla tua ??

Hi There, I am posting an update at the end of the month. In the input menu of the new update you can choose to show the ribbon off the Trend line or the Trend plus line also you can add the Squeeze filter as well as add a Mirrorline off either Price, Signal or Trend lines.

In the image the ribbon has been set off the Trend Plus line which I think is much cleaner for directional trading purposes. 

All the best


xard777 :

Ciao là, sto inviando un aggiornamento alla multa del mese. Menù Nel di ingresso del nuovo aggiornamento E possibile SCEGLIERE di mostrare il nastro al largo della linea di Tendenza o la Tendenza Più linea InOLTRE E possibile AGGIUNGERE il filtro di compression, Cosi Come AGGIUNGERE UN Mirrorline off SIA Linee prezzo, Segnale o di Tendenza.

Nell'immagine il nastro e Stato fissato al largo della linea di Tendenza Più che credo sia Molto Più pulito una Scopo di negoziazione direzionali. 

Ti auguro il meglio


ciao scusate non avevo letto, poi guardo a fine mese