My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 106

I downloaded the prn data to the advanced get, however, the file can not be opened.

Attached is the setting i made in the advanced get:

Besides, is there other setting i need to made ?

How to open the chart ?


which metatrader broker are you using? Looking at your screenshot I can straight away say none of the metatrader prn files have "openInt" column. You need to change the column to the following format:

Date Time Open High Low Close Volume Skip Skip Skip...

You can change those column by right-clicking on top of each column.

If you still have problems then attach your .prn. I will put a screenshot of settings for you.


Hi, Formulaonefan,

In my advanced get, there is no column option to add the "time".

Could you show me how to add data to this software ?


Hi, Formulaonefan,

In my advanced get, there is no column option to add the "time".

Could you show me how to add data to this software ?



In advanced GET, click on File and select Data paths. Click on properties on the location where you saved the .prn files. In the grid table (i.e. your screenshot which contains column names date, open, close...etc) right click on the column and it will allow you to change it.

Give it a try and let me know.


In my advanced get, there is no column option to add the "time".

Can you show me your screenshot to add the "time" ?


In my advanced get, there is no column option to add the "time".

Can you show me your screenshot to add the "time" ?


sorry carlo. i forgot GET EOD doesn't have time field. So you need to add Skip column instead of time. please see attached screenshot of my configuration.

aget.gif  16 kb

thanks, formulaonefan,

The chart can now be seen.


Asian session for the last few days have seen good trend. Hope all of you who trade asian session made good pips.


My Trade Today - USDJPY

Today I SHORT USDJPY and made a gain of 31 pips. I was staying aside yesterday.

Take a look at GET and you will see a picture of contradictions. The Original setting is showing an ABC, whilst there were 2 others that were showing a Wave 3 Up, and another showing it is in a Downward Trend.

What was the reason for shorting this pair???

Attached is the doc file showing details of the trade.

