My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 104


My Second Trade - GBPUSD

My second trade today is GBPUSD.

GET was showing it is in Wave 3 Down but since I saw no signs of it moving down, I decided to play a Counter-Trend UP.

At Gmt 08:57 I Bought it at 1.6211 and at time of posting it is 1.6248 giving me a paper gain of 37 pips.



My Trades for Today - EURUSD and GBPJPY

Using GET charts as my starting point, I am trading the following 2 currency pairs ie:

EURUSD - Wave 3 Down: I am BUYING LONG instead of selling short ie I am again doing a counter-trend trade to the Main Trend.

GBPJPY - Wave 3 Up: I am BUYING LONG as per GETchart.

Attached are details of my trade which is still kept open. At time of posting, I am making a total gain of 35 pips.


Using GET charts as my starting point, I am trading the following 2 currency pairs ie:

EURUSD - Wave 3 Down: I am BUYING LONG instead of selling short ie I am again doing a counter-trend trade to the Main Trend.

GBPJPY - Wave 3 Up: I am BUYING LONG as per GETchart.

Attached are details of my trade which is still kept open. At time of posting, I am making a total gain of 35 pips.


Hello Joe,

Did you achieve your target on GJ and EU? Could you post entry and exit times and price please?


Where is Kenneth?

Where is kenneth? This forum is dying without him. I know joe posts messages everyday but without kenneth it feels like this forum is missing something.


My Trade Today - EURUSD

GET is displaying EURUSD in Wave 3 Down based on yesterday's closing.

Today I decided to go along with the DOWNTREND and SHORT it at Gmt 03:08 at 1.4470. The trade has been closed at Gmt 03:59 at 1.4439 making a gain of 31 pips.

I am having my teabreak now but this will soon be over and back to work.

Attached are details of the trade.


Hello Joe, Did you achieve your target on GJ and EU? Could you post entry and exit times and price please?

Attached are details of my trade on EURUSD (Buy), GBPJPY (Buy) and later USDJPY (Buy) yesterday giving the Entry/Exit Times and Prices.

On EURUSD, I made only 5 pips as it did not go the way I expected and on GBPJPY made 30 pips.

Later in the day I bought USDJPY and incurred a loss of 6 pips as the trend turned against my trade, and I quickly closed the trade.

As a whole I made 29 pips for the day.

Incidentally, FormulaOneFan, we have not seen you posting any of your trades (whether demo or actual). How about it?


Attached are details of my trade on EURUSD (Buy), GBPJPY (Buy) and later USDJPY (Buy) yesterday giving the Entry/Exit Times and Prices.

On EURUSD, I made only 5 pips as it did not go the way I expected and on GBPJPY made 30 pips.

Later in the day I bought USDJPY and incurred a loss of 6 pips as the trend turned against my trade, and I quickly closed the trade.

As a whole I made 29 pips for the day.

Incidentally, FormulaOneFan, we have not seen you posting any of your trades (whether demo or actual). How about it?


I'm starting my live trading from monday. I had problem transferring funds to my spread betting account as my bank class them as gambling and won't allow funds transfer without going through additional security checks. Money in the account now so I can start from monday. I have been trying out different strategy on demo account with mixed results. I will post my live ones from monday.

GET is displaying EURUSD in Wave 3 Down based on yesterday's closing.

Today I decided to go along with the DOWNTREND and SHORT it at Gmt 03:08 at 1.4470. The trade has been closed at Gmt 03:59 at 1.4439 making a gain of 31 pips.

I am having my teabreak now but this will soon be over and back to work.

Attached are details of the trade.


Hello Joe,

Over the weekend could you post GET and Elwave daily chart for the below pairs please? I will also post my GET and Elwave charts so that we can compare and discuss.

The reason I'm asking is because you are saying EU as wave 3 down but I have them as wave 5 down. So there is bit of confusion there.





Please let me know. I will post my charts saturday.


Elwave Charts for 5 Currency Pairs

Hello Joe,

Over the weekend could you post GET and Elwave daily chart for the below pairs please? I will also post my GET and Elwave charts so that we can compare and discuss.

The reason I'm asking is because you are saying EU as wave 3 down but I have them as wave 5 down. So there is bit of confusion there.





Please let me know. I will post my charts saturday.

I am afraid I can only post the GET and Elwave charts for 5 pairs ie EURJPY, EURUSD, GBPJPY, GBPUSD and USDJPY.

I am attaching herewith the Elwave charts first with the Analysis Options I am using. My Elwave version is 6.2

As a matter of info, I hardly use Elwave nowadays. I find all I need is the INITIAL STARTING POINT to tell me whether the currency pair is GOING UP or DOWN. In fact, the Wave Label/Wave Count is also not so important to me now. Nevertheless GET is still useful for my initial guidance.

Give me another 5-10 minutes and I shall post the GET charts for these 5 pairs.




GET charts for 5 currency pairs

Attached are the GET charts for EURJPY, EURUSD, GBPJPY, GBPUSD and USDJPY.

My setting for GET is 300 days. Maybe this cause the difference in our Wave Labels/Wave Counts.

As I mentioned earlier, this is not so vital to me whether it is Wave 3 or Wave 5. What matters most is; IS THE PAIR GOING UP or DOWN.

As readers will observe, I can now play both sides of the equation for the same currency pair. If GET says it is going UP, but it does not, then I shall SHORT.

If GET says it is going DOWN but it does not, then I shall BUY LONG.

My safety net is my STOP LOSS and the frequency of the winners and the takehome money.

General: I am attending a function tonight. And over the weekend, my boss gave me another assignment to be submitted by Monday morning on his desk.

Unfortunately, time is what we as a working class and a family man always do not have enough.

This is the best I can do, guys.

