100-300 Pips Per Day Any Pair Any Timeframe Using 2 Indicators - page 80



Surely you would be smart enough to take the cues from other members. Please kindly leave, Mr M. Parker.


MP -- LETS GET ON WITH THE SHOW and see how it works !

while everything i do is based on support and resistance since the equities market went down, turning equity traders into forex traders who brought their own disdain for the fibs, THAT PART is just fine, which is why TRO decided to take it, even adding my initials (albeit AFTER i caught him using it without credit), but while i use the MACD in a slightly different manner which allows peeps to guage how much movement there really will be, i use a few other indicators for trend, direction, individual "cycle" strength and overall movement strength --- without those, the MACD can false often, breaking above or below its signal BUT then reversing shortly down the line, leaving you a BAG HOLDER, par exelance !

simply bragging how much you can make with ONLY two indicators in a world ruled by professional traders for banks that already KNOW where theyre moving the price is a horribly dangerous way to go thru life.

I show my results simply to illustrate what can be done when you KNOW HOW TO FOLLOW THE BANKS and where theyre ultimate goal IS, cause when you know how to do that, nothing stands in the way !

ONLY TWO INDICATORS aint gonna do the whole job, and most likely will get you into big trouble.

BUT, lets let the games continue --- Ive stated my point, which originally was that TRO simply steals everyones ideas and that he is stealing mine, the one who came up with the whole method in the first place, spent years perfecting it as i did the original stock trading method, and that i simply dont like what he did and dont really like people, who now know the facts, who continue providing this skunk with more and more attention, simply because of greed !

but back to trading --- go at it and lets SEE down the road what REALLY happens when there is a problem with that silly little MACD. THEN the real test of using only two indicators will come forth.

enjoy and trade well



can you please explain what it is that is missing in this system so we can all see is this system really worth or not.

Thank you.


Thank you for your answer.

I am using these two indicators combined with my other settings, and it shows very good result. Also, I would like to hear what it is that you are using to make entries more precise?

I know you are mention in some post before that you will not provide fish to the public. That is fine and I agree, but what you don't understand is that nobody here asking you to provide fish (signals) to the public, but simply equipment (indicators) to catch the fish. Hope you understand my point.

Thank you.

while everything i do is based on support and resistance since the equities market went down, turning equity traders into forex traders who brought their own disdain for the fibs, THAT PART is just fine, which is why TRO decided to take it, even adding my initials (albeit AFTER i caught him using it without credit), but while i use the MACD in a slightly different manner which allows peeps to guage how much movement there really will be, i use a few other indicators for trend, direction, individual "cycle" strength and overall movement strength --- without those, the MACD can false often, breaking above or below its signal BUT then reversing shortly down the line, leaving you a BAG HOLDER, par exelance !

simply bragging how much you can make with ONLY two indicators in a world ruled by professional traders for banks that already KNOW where theyre moving the price is a horribly dangerous way to go thru life.

I show my results simply to illustrate what can be done when you KNOW HOW TO FOLLOW THE BANKS and where theyre ultimate goal IS, cause when you know how to do that, nothing stands in the way !

ONLY TWO INDICATORS aint gonna do the whole job, and most likely will get you into big trouble.

BUT, lets let the games continue --- Ive stated my point, which originally was that TRO simply steals everyones ideas and that he is stealing mine, the one who came up with the whole method in the first place, spent years perfecting it as i did the original stock trading method, and that i simply dont like what he did and dont really like people, who now know the facts, who continue providing this skunk with more and more attention, simply because of greed !

but back to trading --- go at it and lets SEE down the road what REALLY happens when there is a problem with that silly little MACD. THEN the real test of using only two indicators will come forth.

enjoy and trade well


Mp -- how it works

Knez, please understand that i cannot spread myself over a number of forex sites teaching the same information which is why i have one forum located on another site, which is my home !

what i teach goes FAR BEYOND how to use support and resistance and the MACD --- its a TOTAL course on HOW TO TRADE FOR (often) 100% TRADES.

NOW, there are many in the world who would say that 100% is IMPOSSIBLE, but i prove it daily and its simply NOT hard.

but if you want a "system" that you can grab and go make your fortune with, my teaching arena WILL NOT supply that --- you have to WORK and LEARN and gain EXPERIENCE until you can fly anywhere by yourself and earn the right to call yourself a TRADER !

we provide tools to SEE how the market works, but if you simply grab those tools (as some were "grabbed" on this thread) you will find you only have enough gas for one engine and the other is gonna switch off pretty soon, and youll be diving into the ocean below you !

I run my own fund here in mid state NY and have little time to deal with silliness, so I exist to teach those who WANT TO LEARN --- if you want a "system", or what i refer to as a "handout", I am NOT the one to listen to.

THOSE are the only two choices I offer !

enjoy and trade well



Thank you for your answer.

I am using these two indicators combined with my other settings, and it shows very good result. Also, I would like to hear what it is that you are using to make entries more precise?

I know you are mention in some post before that you will not provide fish to the public. That is fine and I agree, but what you don't understand is that nobody here asking you to provide fish (signals) to the public, but simply equipment (indicators) to catch the fish. Hope you understand my point.

Thank you.



I would be very interested in knowing what other settings are you using? Could you please give some more details?



MP -- once again, THIS IS WHAT I DO !

Juchu --- the post below iterates my feelings and "designs" for my teachings --- it is NOT a matter of a few indicators and "away we go" but rather a KNOWLEDGE of how the market moves, when it moves, where its moving to and when its going to get there. It teaches time of day to trade, how to KNOW which way news will drive the price and simply how to know what the BANKS have in mind, either intraday or daily !

GIVING you a few indicators places me in the same position as any other "system only" person places you --- in heavy seas without a life preserver !

i garner 100% correct trades, 35 - 50 a day, day after day BUT its because I simply KNOW how to trade and WHAT the banks are doing --- NONE of it is RANDOM MOVEMENT, but rather a well orchestrated movement towards a very visible goal, which is learnable and predictable and TEACHABLE !

if you WANT to LEARN how the market works so that you can trade in any direction and any market, THIS is what i teach, but if you want the INDICATORS because you think thats ALL there is you need to know, I WILL NOT BE PARTY TO YOUR LOSING YOUR EQUITY, plain and simple !

where i presently call home is a complete forum with total interactivity by the members, but most is concerned with variations on a theme and that theme is what i teach --- its kept purposely obtuse so you CANT just grab some indicators and run off into the sunset THINKING youve found the answer to eternal life, but have to WORK for the knowledge that will allow you to trade forever with profits beyond your imagination.

ITS THE ONLY WAY I DO IT but youre free to seek a "system" that makes the whole job easier, if indeed it really does !

enjoy and trade well


I would be very interested in knowing what other settings are you using? Could you please give some more details? Thanks.


I wasnt asking you, I was asking Knez!

MP please, just go away already. Do us a favor and pack your wisdom and share it somewhere where people care about being insulted by scammer like you.


boy o boy --- a BLAST from the past --- yet AGAIN !

of no interest any longer as it happened years and years ago and is presently in resolution.

what do you expect from an angry wife --- she should blow kisses ?

In fact, on one of my bike helmets now reads "you never really know a woman till you meet her in divorce court !"

IF I WERE HIDING FROM ANYTHING, i would not continue going forth as mp6140, would I ?

but to end it all, looking back on this thread you will see the same charges and the same old, same old answers and the reasons for my being banned is because i stop on some VERY powerful toes and not because of any scams, delusions or otherwise.

youve seen my daily statements a few times --- its all i need present to verify my bona fides and ANYONE with a lick of sense will see it true, so stop the OLD silliness and lets settle the points that REALLY EXIST which has nothing to do with an unexplained problem that occurred years ago when TWO PEOPLE held the right to trade that account, and unexplained as it was, there was a problem !

Since you have NEVER seen a repeat of that situation, lets settle back down to earth and face REAL LIFE FACTS and not the same old, same old dumb situation !

now, if you bother to take a look at the present day, you will note that one heck of a lot of raw newbs can now tell YOU how to trade, and theyll be right, and after only a few months, so your accusations hold nothing but AIR and we simply laugh in your general direction !

enjoy and trade well


Found this recently posted at a another site that MP has been banned from. Thought it would be a good read. I like the "He has a history of being delusional" from his Ex wife part. It is funny how all of his endevors to "help people" at other sites has ended the very same way. Beware of those who say they know all and never take a loss.

Enjoy, the followinng is copied from the post at the other site


well, i certainly was correct in stating this has been hashed through before, now wasnt I ?

but i do remember YOU homestudy and it was fun then also --- are you still losing the same amount and do you (ok, was supposed to be private) still want me to help you ?

thnx for the confidence


You know MP nothing that a few meds wouldn't clear up for you. Sorry to say this post I copied is little over a month old. )

As far as "fault" is concerned, I was well aware that when one tells someone they cant trade their way out of a paper bag, and they are the father of the site owner, there may well be some problems coming, and so they happened.

Im certainly glad to have the original person appear --- perhaps some of your hatred may be abated somewhat, huh ?

whatever you may call my charts is of no consequence when they return 100 % PROVEABLE trades at pipage you cant even come close to, so let the records stand and show MY results which are probably the reason for YOUR hatred, huh ?

WANNA display YOUR DAILY results, or shall we just settle for "bigger is better !"

enjoy and trade well homestudy

nice to see youre still so well spoken


No thanks MP once I got away from your silly wormy worms all over the chart and your psyco babble and started learning about trading I have been doing fine and very happy with my results. Oh and by the way I contacted the 22yr old armed forces member you ripped off and invited him to post here to set the record straight. You should have nothing to worry about then eh.

This hasn't even touched on the dead beat dad stuff and kind of person it takes to do that. But the bottom line is if you were half of what you say you are you would never have to worry about getting the bum rush from site after site. How many is now MP 6 or is it more? Oh thats right you stepped on toes:) Its all their fault.

Enjoy the delusional stuff kicking in your head.